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Fixing Sharptooth?

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Switchback, May 30, 2014.

  1. Goldsum

    Goldsum New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
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    O well i guess i was saying you have done a good job with Sharp as a character thus far. I honestly don't know any good way to bring to bring Sharp back to mental stability.... I'm sorry :'(. But I do feel Sharp has at least relative immunity to being killed right now. I mean, trying to kill the head of a tribe of violent Floran does not seem like a good idea, bounty or not. I'm sure if Sharp were to get in a life threating situation other Florans in the tribe would probably try to to help her because she is the Chief. In the rare case that Sharp is killed the person who killed her would have to answer to John and his knights and a tribe of very violent and angry Florans, and thus whoever killed Sharp would probably not last very long, making the incentive to kill Sharp low. I think I it also helps that she is a Floran, which makes here actions more acceptable both IC and OOC for people.
    Yes! :p
  2. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Me, personally, have seen huge improvements already with Sharptooth as a character.
    As having a character, Quick-claw, who admires Chief as much as she does, perhaps it's just the way she behaves with her friends. But Sharptooth has been generally happier and a bit better moody wise. Maybe it's because Quick-claw is relieving her of some stress by taking up the burden of Chief sometimes, or maybe it's just because things are going in Sharptooth's favor, but she's happy.

    And honestly, she makes a great Floran character, and a great friend to all who give her a chance to look past all the crazy stuff IC. And maybe, with enough support from friends and family, Sharptooth will be "fixed" mentally. I already see it happening.
  3. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    I dunno...find out what organization of good guys most wanted (other than you) Kill most wanted person, show the good guys, they like you better? sounds good to me.
  4. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Quickclaw is already working on fixing the reputation of the Tribe. Though I'm quite afraid that it will cause problems as people may start to think that she is a better choice for Chief than Sharptooth. So, Quick-claw may have to fight her Chief, the one she is most loyal to, for Chiefdom, if it is the Tribe's intent. I would rather have Sharptooth be Chief as well as have her mental instabilities fixed, OOCly and ICly.

    I also believe that her reputation is unchangeable. She will have to deal with her mistakes and live with them.
  5. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Bleach Connoisseur

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Cole would probably not only view that as stealing the glory, but as petty criminal-on-criminal violence. I think the same would apply to a lot of lawmen. Doesn't really work.

    In fact, Sharptooth won't be able to redeem herself for everyone. Some people hold some pretty heavy grudges, or are generally untrusting.