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Fixing Sharptooth?

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Switchback, May 30, 2014.

  1. Diabloshadow

    Diabloshadow Retired Admin

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Good ole Moose hit the nail on the head i believe.

    ICly, you made the bed, now lie in it. but then again, Sharp has friends, but sharp is taking them down with her. i honestly feel more sorry for John, heh. but yes, your right. all the betrayals hurt, but that doesnt mean to just flame everything. personally, dont change anything i dont think. its how she is. reminds me of lief though, meh. both of em has been through hell. would be funny to see that pairing. anyways, but yea, moose got it right. your just kinda stuck in the middle. maybe try to start swaying on a side.
  2. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    My only problem with sharp both OOC'ly and IC'ly is I have no idea how with all the shit that she has done on other colonies that she hasn't ended up in jail or shot. And no, I dont count that two day stint in a USCM jail as many other races, especially humans, see cannibalism as a crime against humanity and woulda had her locked up for a looooot longer. That is really my only problem with her.
  3. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    she was in there for a week. and you think its easy playing a bad guy? >:L
  4. Tomwell1

    Tomwell1 New Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Also, stop being SUCH A DICK to any human who says hello. If she would want people to like her, they cant be yelled at for making eye contact if they are human, which really is mostly the only other species to go to Taranis.
  5. Goldsum

    Goldsum New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
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    Sharp is a great character! To be honest she is one of my favorite characters OOC. IC my one character doesn't know who she is and my other character respests her and sees her as a potential ally. You got plenty of character development and play a character that isn't really black or white. She is trying to do the right thing, but her Floran urges seem to fight against her every step of the way! Her internal struggle adds to the depth and realism of the server roleplay. Becausevin real life there isn't good and bad..... only a bunch of shades between, and even that is subjective. I mean she is kinda in a politicians position in some respects. I feel some of the hate is also due to IC and slight OOC jealousy because she is the leader of the biggest Floran Tribe on the server! It also doesn't help that people are gonna be a lot more vocal about things they do not like then things they do like. I say keep doing what your doing, because your doing well.
  6. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    the USDC incident made her lose trust in humans. she only trusts one as of right now and thats ashlyn.

    being mentally unstable and having everyone want to kill her? :<
  7. Diabloshadow

    Diabloshadow Retired Admin

    Dec 16, 2013
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    well not everyone wants to kill her, heh. just the ones sharp tries to kill or royally screw over

    IE: most people
    #27 Diabloshadow, May 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2014
  8. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I was going to say that these are words of wisdom, but they are not. Instead, these are the mantra of survival those who play villains repeat to themselves because no matter the brand of villain you represent, even if you are more heroic or correct than all the heroes combined, heroes and "heroes" will love to hate you. They will adore to hate you. They will beg to hate you. But they will still hate you, and their loving hate is never an easy cross to bear.

    Everything Moose says is spot on. That's the advice I'd follow.
  9. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    A fine avian zealot grandma offers a free body combustion therapy.
  10. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Mayor Moosebellow is pretty much on point, but I'll add a caveat to his story: It is possible to play a sympathetic victim villain, but it's the tightest tight-rope a character can walk. With RP especially, without the narrative control that an author has, your eventually going to have to lean one way or the other, and eventually you're going to slide too far one way or other onto the moral spectrum, and after that getting back on that tightrope is going to be impossible.


    Mar 14, 2014
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    Well yeah, he doesn't. He's kinda too busy thinking about all the times she's openly talked about how she wanted to kill him. That kind of thing comes with the territory of cultivating a reputation of "murderous psycho" IC-wise. And it is just IC. I like Sharp more than a lot of other villain characters on the server. She's actually conflicted and misunderstood (to a degree) rather than straight up "lol stab"
  12. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    and which she only did cause she felt betrayed by the fact that he sorta is the reason why they were jailed xD


    Mar 14, 2014
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    Witnessing someone cut off a bystander's arm and eat it is an event which usually does make people want to jail someone
  14. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I'm just... Gonna ask about this here.

    I mean absolutely no offense by this, but I just want to ask, in a completely non-confrontational manner: What is the purpose of this thread?

    Like. The way I see it, it's one of two things.

    1: You want to try and find a way to change the way people perceive your character in-character, or at least explore the means for such, via in-character approaches towards such in your RP. If this is the case, Fishdish, Firedrinker, and (especially) Moosebellow provide fantastic advice for such. I would offer more, but theirs is better than what I can offer. Try what they're talking about, think about it, see what you can do. Ask questions if you have them.

    Or 2: You're trying to change peoples' OOC (or IC?) perceptions of your character through justification. I'm... starting to think that's what this thread is about. Most of your posts have simply been defending or justifying Sharptooth's actions, and... I'm not really sure that's accomplishing anything. Like, at all.

    We've already stated our opinions of the character, and they average to be neutral to positive OOCly. ICly, there is hatred, but you can't change that through explaining to everyone out-of-character "But she's totally justified in burning down cities/assaulting folks/etc. because X/Y/Z."

    Even if it's entirely accurate, and explainable, and justified, it does not change a thing regarding in-character perceptions. Plenty of people are hated despite good intentions. And plenty of people are loved despite bad ones. Only in-character actions will change are going to change your character's image to other characters. And if you want your character's image to change, you have to be the one to initiate it. We can't do it for you.

    So. If you're worried about OOC perceptions, don't be. It's unnecessary and not something you need to concern yourself with, because it's pretty much okay. If you're worried about IC perceptions... all this thread can do is offer ideas and support regarding things you can do to change that. If you want.
  15. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    i thought that people hated the character OOCly, this thread proves that i was wrong.

    its also for more advice for IC stuff.

    my main worry, which has plagued me for several night when serious confrontations happen, is that sharp will be killed or jailed beyond use.
    Sharp is my main character on this server. it'd kill me for my main to suddenly die or be un-useable anymore.

    talk about emotional attachment.... ;~;
  16. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    dude just make a leg based character, like, they carry a bag of severed legs and shit and chuck em at people yknow where i'm goin with this homedog?
  17. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    i swear thats ketchup on those legs...
  18. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Then don't play a character that gets into dangerous situations.
  19. Diabloshadow

    Diabloshadow Retired Admin

    Dec 16, 2013
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    well a few things there, 1: you would need to consent, 2: of course i suppose as sen said, dont put yourself in that position, IE: kill everyone who talks to you. heh, but then again, sharp just cant stop being sharp. all in all, just keep up your char, its quite abit to late to turn it around for her, that or im sure ANI could cut your brain open for a test subject and mess something up, meaning of course, a very important thing that could happen. but then again, i have no clue what goes on around sharp. last time few times i was there, i knocked her out and stabbed her in the knee. heh
  20. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    One general thing I've managed to adopt in all my years of RPing is that, you should get attached to a character for sure, but at the same time, know that it's a game, with a world that is always changing. Your actions may lead to people loving or hating your character, and along those lines, probably even wishing to either befriend or try to kill the character. As a whole, while it may be your main character on the server, know that not everyone generally can live through such hardships or otherwise. It's good to get attached to a character, but not to get so attached to where you can't bear to lose them.

    I mean, I'm no stranger to trying to do everything in my power to keep my main character alive, but death does happen. My time on NWN had a lot of that. Especially on the servers I played where Permadeath was an actual game mechanic. I actually had a TON of close calls on the zombie survival server I played, where Aedan, who has been my main on countless servers, nearly got killed. That was a straight up permadeath server on death, too. No respawning or anything. (Mind you, people could, with the right stuff, revive the character. However, that sort of thing was rare.) Then, on one of the last servers I played before I left NWN, there was a PvP Permadeath mechanic that would occur after three deaths to the same person in combat. I nearly lost my character to that several times, and most of those times were actually due to people who had specifically built their characters for PvP.

    But even with all these, I have played other servers, with other main characters, that have been killed off, despite how much time I had put into them. But to be honest, the death of a long running character can be fun, as well. It can be a great story element. Now, mind you, this isn't meant as something to say "Oh. You should just let your character die." No. But it is something to hopefully help you realize that characters do die, even when you have managed to build a huge attachment to them.