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Fight Back.Exe

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Diehardpatriot, May 16, 2014.

  1. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Mere assumption. If reading comprehension, a totally irrelevant topic, is the only thing you can argue about, I suggest you refrain from arguing the main point further.

    - Mark Payton
  2. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    The ravings of the vastly incompetent justify the existence of governing bodies. Sovereigns shape the galaxy while pitiable beings like yourself cry out from the ignorance laden cesspit. Your cries go unheeded because they lack substance and meaning. You have no hope of making a difference. If you had any measure of competence or ability, you would not be as you are. Men like myself, the Hyperion, Emperor Suwedi, and Michael Morris, have such competence. We did not squeal like the pigs in shit, we rose up, and shaped this galaxy in our image. Like it or not, you are at the mercy of the R.A. The Holy Fleet and the USCM. We are titans, you are just a mere inconvenience. A name on a screen. Nothing more. If there is to be change, we will decide it. Not you.

    High Legislatore Hollow
    Relzurraut Armada
  3. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    (( Mark ))
    Good job, you just confirmed every comment about tyranny, oppression, and whatnot.
  4. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    The good of the many outweighs the good of the few. My leadership has crafted a mighty Armada. I began with nothing, but what has been granted to me by other colonies. The Armada is sheerly the culmination of the desires of the Many. If you wish to place the blame, Look to Alioth Prime. Look to Tetanus Fields, the Empire, Opportunity, Exxon, Carroli Corp, Titus Shipyards, Solari, Zelena, and Liberty Mills. The Armada, was born by the hands of those who have fed us. We have taken action where others have sat idle. We act, though we do not... Publicize it. This is why.

  5. Aissa

    Aissa Clockwork Pastry Lobster

    Jan 28, 2014
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    There's really no sense in bringing up anything else-- you've given me nothing to argue. You're right, you don't deal with this on a daily basis, and therefore you are woefully uninformed about whose behavior is the issue here.

    - A.
  6. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    ((Quinn, on a profile called 487524668874, a device trashed on his old workshop planet, Arrakis system. Not even fellow Outriders would know this message is from Quinn without tracking.))

    To the original poster, the people of Liberty Mills should be your second worry. You should question yourself the second you are shooting mere soldiers, at the bottom of a hierarchy. It's unnecessary. It's murderous. It doesn't make you a good person. You have to go there, sometimes, but you have to keep in mind that it's at the expanse of the people around you, and you are killing people that, no matter what your perspective is, are blind to what their superiors is doing, should they be doing anything wrong.

    Tearing down a system by murdering its most unfortunates isn't "fighting back".

    It doesn't mean you're trying to save these people from this system oppressing them.

    It means that just because you had the luck of not getting caught up in that system, you see yourself as inherently superior.

    You're no better than any of their leaders.
    #66 Aleiksei, May 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2014
  7. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Posted by 'Chiefstabber'

    Are less corpsses in alleys and ssewers since birdmen came.

    Floran hungry...

    For thiss reasson floran encourage revolussion.

    Each cassuality may be Floran's next meal!
  8. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    If the people of Liberty Mills in an overwhelming manner do not support the revolution, then there is no point attempting it in the first place. If it does not have the support of the people it will fail. Let them live whatever life they please, even if it's one of armed occupation.

    Captain Michael Morris
  9. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    <Text-to-Speech System>

    "Floran jussst see meat talk mad about lesss meat from bird shipsss. Make lesss ssstupid. Make more meat!

    How floran turn off thing? Wait! Floran no want that put! Ssstupid thing! No! Floran say turn off! Turn "


  10. OptionalFingers

    OptionalFingers New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Look, this message goes out to everyone who is against the Fleet.

    Are you a citizen of Liberty Mills? Then let us know what you dislike about us and about our ways. Send us a message with all the things you want to tell us. We promise that it will all be read and that your points will be taken in consideration.

    Are you not a citizen of Liberty Mills? Then just get in your spaceship and buzz off. There's plenty of cities and planets for you to visit, which doesn't have the Fleet taking care of the crime. I've heard there's a lovely place called "Wolves' Den" which has great opportunities for criminals. Maybe you could even stop putting your energy in criticising the Fleet, and put it into something more useful, like creating a large city on a distant planet, where people can both visit and kill each other without the Fleet interfering.

    Everyone has the right to speak for themselves, but don't start to "defend" the citizens of Liberty Mills, when not a single one of them has a problem with the Fleet keeping them safe. The citizens of Liberty Mills are not dependant on travellers, and right now, there's been more travellers doing bad than good. Travellers have rights, but they don't have the rights to say what is good for Liberty Mills and what isn't. Leave that to the people who actually live there.

    =Acolyte Maathorneferure=
  11. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    -Doc Moses

    That point already was pretty clear. Again, we don't need anyone to speak in behalf of us -and less if it's going to repeat the same stuff over.

    -Doc Moses, Liberty Mills Hospital head doctor
  12. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    > Updating . . .
    > Update Complete

    Don't matter anymore, the Fleet has what it wants, and the people are either too ignorant, or too weak to stop them.

    I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere, power's failing, and I'm hallucinating.

    None of it matters.

    None of it matters . . .

    > End of Message.
  13. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Sir? I know my interactions with the Sovereign Systems have been but slim and political, and as for the Armada only a few sortie orders have been run by my men of the now liquidated Exxon, but it took me by surprise that you'd not only be posting here but would convey such a message to the people of the Galaxy. I may not no much about the Armada's ownership of sectors within the Galaxy, and I may not even hold a senatorial position within the SS yet... but, and pardon me sir, what you've said here is abhorrent. As the head of any governmental organization, it's within your responsibility to represent your party both politically and be the commander in chief of the military. Politically, sir, there is no reason for you to be suddenly flaunting your position on some public online thread where people of "lower worth," as you say, are arguing. Liberty Mills, at least according to official records, is an industry planet once laden with slavery, drug trafficking, commonplace murder, and other crimes, but is now held together by a strict religious law put forth by the Holy Fleet. It's citizens have been granted safety in exchange for some "rights" as many of the people here complaining keep bringing up. While it is my firm belief that a strong /outer shell/ of military power should be used to safeguard the freedoms of the people inside this /shell/, in the case of LM it seems they need the help the Fleet is willing to offer. As a human I'm sure you're familiar with the country systems the old Earth had, to me this situation seems like foreigners are complaining about the situation in a country that isn't their own... and you, sir, a "president" of another country is suddenly claiming rule and dominance over another country in which you have no jurisdiction in. This ties in with the aforementioned political aspect, as in why are you flaunting your might and leadership qualities on an online forum that was no less started by a terrorist? What do you have to present other than showing the people of Starnet that you have an ego sir? I truly believe that leaders aren't judged by their position, but by what they DO for their people. What connection does LM have with SS and RA sir? As far as I was informed we have no contract/alliance/grievances with them, our affiliation should be ZERO. I even, ironically, stepped up to go against the pointless political arguments made by the people in this thread.

    I took a firm belief that the SS was a governmental party with RA as its military force, and that this entity would expand peacefully delivering aid to those in need and letting them join the SS as yet another colony willing to take part in a good cause. I believe the RA is the military force used to protect these SS colonies from harm of the outside, as well as act as a fair police force on the inside... And yes I know you can't help everyone all of the time but... USCM attempts to do the same thing, but for their people. Maybe unity isn't something we can achieve at this young point in Galactic expanse with such a spread of cultures and beliefs all clashing against one another, but we also can't go around flaunting over those in other positions. At the end of the day an iron mine worker is a living being just like a soldier or a representative of a party. Call me young and optimistic sir, and I do apologize for speaking against you but, if we ignore every one of my statements about peace and politics I want to at least make my point that there is no reason for you to say such things in such a place clear.

    It's a bitter irony that I, the one who opted to not get involved at all with such jargon on the Starnet now feels compelled to make a statement, I only have myself to blame for that.

    -Cardinal Crooner

    *He signs off with only his first and last name, not putting any positions of importance or forenames of hierarchy*
  14. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    > Updating . . .
    > Update complete.

    None of you seem to get it... Or at least very few.

    I'm going to keep this brief, because I'm running out of power...

    This was never about politics, revolutions, or riffing on the Holy Fleet.

    This thread was made to ask, and beg for your help.

    I barely care about the people of the Mills, I barely care about what went on in the Mills, I barely cared about the Fleet too. Whats changed is that the Fleet now controls an industrial Titan, they have facilities to mass produce gear to rev up for a war.

    Why stop at one world, when you can have a thousand?

    I'd just like one SINGLE person, in all this Galaxy, to actually sit down and read this, because chances are I won't be posting anything else for a while.

    You have to keep Liberty Mills independent, it NEEDS to be independent. For all the crime, and violence, and pain, that city has something special about it. Not just its industrial prowess, but its heart too. I mean c'mon, you have to be a helluva lot tougher than me to live in a city like that for years on end.

    So do you really think a group of religious zealots concerned first and foremost with extending the will of their God, with no consideration of opposing it, are the best people to 'protect' the Mills? For that matter, are the R.A. and expansionist movement mirroring that of the U.S. or Astral Empire? No, they really aren't.

    Controlling the Mills means giving a single faction an upper hand in a galactic conflict, which I can already see coming miles away.

    Please, just stop them.


    >ERROR, ERROR, POWER FAI129340uu8u459123
  15. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    There are industrial planets, shipyards, fuel depots, and even entire systems with full focus on military production. There are councils and political systems designed to run these Galactic war assets to max efficiency for the protection of their people. I assure you if the Fleet or any other group decided to engage in forceful Galactic conquest, it would be met with immediate and swift consequences from far superior military powers.

    Large scale politics, war, law, and order is to be kept large scale. This small political jargon is pointless, similar to the ravings over how the Universe should work by drunk strangers at a bar, and only makes the participants who try to prove their points look like fools. There is nothing to represent here. I only have myself to blame yet again for responding to these conjectures.

    -Cardinal Crooner
  16. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Aren't you supposed to be in jail?
    - Crowliss
  17. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Life has a strange way of delivering to you irony, the man who refused to respond at first now becomes more and more prodded to do.

    I /was/ in jail, then let out, then absolved under specific conditions. It's called negotiations, talking instead of shooting, funny enough it works.

    -Cardinal Crooner
  18. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Uh... didn't really get first part.

    But, good that you were able to talk your way out of it! Universe has suffered too much death as of late.

    - Crowliss