Tanji ~ A fine hylotl starting a school to help those in need is a fine idea. I also agree the education should be available to the less fortunate. As to the ignorance of "Unity": Perhaps but floran thrive in survivalist situation. So really it is the ignorance of the colony proprietor to establish such lawlessness as it causes florans to survive and thrive. As I have had the pleasure of speaking with Oak, I vouch for his refined manner apart from most florans I have meet.
Some are more bearable than others, yes. And I'm really having a hard time believing that you're really a Hylotl, Tanji. - "Unity"
I'd vouch for him being a Hylotl, but you wouldn't trust my word regardless, wouldn't you? -Professor Oak
Tanji ~ So what your trying to say that words can be deceiving, a being may not act like the rest of their race. A person can stand out among many. However I have a hard time believing that your name "Unity" was giving honestly, probably some cruel job by your family or friends. Upon with a frankly free sorry for.
Unity, from everything I've read you don't seem to approve of much in general let alone how I feel education should be addressed in this sector. I asked for and am accepting all commentary, however after reading through your comments, I don't feel we would be able to work together in the future for anything relating to my university. I seek to better ALL races, and I don't feel the need to discriminate or point out flaws. Oak can vouch on my feelings towards my people's past and how it has shaped my view, but long story short individuals are just that, individual. As an individual you should be given the chance to establish yourself and your reputation. I think you've done just that in your various posts here. With that being said, I think you should take this argument elsewhere as it is not in relation to the original post and you're only making yourself look worse. As for my post re-stressing education after your rant, I knew you'd assume that under sarcasm, which just furthers my point. Your pure ignorance towards everyone isn't welcome. I'm looking for those who want to shape the universe for the better, and yes I'll make a living off of this as well. I believe a Floran can teach us how to hunt, a Glitch how to do repairs, Avians of their rich deep culture, etc. etc. and regardless of race or how one might perceive their personality, everyone deserves a chance to step up and try. If you can't see the benefit in working with someone based on their race's history, your own insecurities, or any other ridiculous notions you might have, then this isn't he place or post for you. I open this back up to discussion towards the original message, thanks. - Xip
*logged in as [email protected]* Honestly trying to set up a university in a sector as unstable as this is doomed to fail. I got all the education I wanted off-sector for some thirty years. This enterprise will be lucky to even find qualified teachers who can last for one month. And I'm not getting started on the plant fibers. But let me tell you one thing Mr. Oak. If you truly care about educating others and prove Florans aren't all crazy I would jump at this opportunity to prove the sector wrong. Unless you truly can't give lessons to a small class and want to violently eat them.
To reiterate, classes offered are based on a person who wants to spread their knowledge to those who seek out that knowledge. A person can offer one class or contract out for a dedicated curriculum. However, I'm beginning to realize that people are only focused on how this will fail rather than to make it succeed. I'm sure nearly everyone who has looked at this has something they specialize in and would want to pass onto others. I'm sure there are also those people out there who don't have the full knowledge to be who they want to be. Think of this more as a "community center" or a market place for knowledge.
*logged in as [email protected]* Alright. I'll give this a chance. Currently working on my recovery from extended stay in a frozen planet, but in a few days I am willing to give lessons of any kind in regards to computers, programming and all I garnered about the Glitch positronic brain. If anyone is even remotely interested, of course. All I garnered about this sector points to "nobody gives a fucking damn".
Let me know when you are up and running and I'll bring you in. I'm currently not making the coordinates public.
It is not the first attempt to mount a ¡university' or 'college'. History in frontiers show individuals are swayed to purchase or create all kinds of weapons and armors. I doubt 'students' will be willing to pay the fees to follow thse courses- unless someone hops on and pays for everything. Organizing courses, classes, equipment... is expensive. You should do well moving into a civilized sector for this purpose. Oh, and remember to hire good security. More than often marauders and troublemakers move around places, starting it just for the kicks or petty reasons. -Memory
Well spoken, Hylotl. It ain't ignorance, it's discrimination, though. I don't think, however, that a fucking university would be a place for Florans to teach how to hunt and butcher sentients and animals. - "Unity"
"This is just what the sector needs, some good learnin'. I'd be willing to donate to such an endeavor in an ongoing basis. Do it for the kids..." -Ol'Cy
*Audio to text from Fernpetal* Can me make sssuggessstion? Inssstead of a universssity, why not make a vocational-technical school? It not as big asss univerisssty but it ssstill ssschooling and can help education people. That way you keep cossst low and still achieve what you want.