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Dirt-Feet's Handwritten Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Doctor Frohman, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    So... I'm working for Free Radical and I have a new name.
    Dirt-Feet has started to grow on me, but Cloud-Feather is a lot... nicer?
    Anyway, I'm Free Radicals man-servant now, already have been paid a full voxel. Radical had me dress up nicely in clothes, then undress and redress in front of him... Kluex, I was so embarrassed, though I'm not sure he noticed, being the Glitch he is.
    He made me cook for him, so I made a dish of something, I don't remember what. Anyway, he threw it at me and it splattered all over my clothes. He said he was sorry afterwards, but I told him I was used to it. He said that it was even worse that I was and he said that he'd make it up to me down at the Inn.
    When he came down to the Inn he gave me a Toucan's Helmet, one of the Avian Priesthoods, and a voxel. I asked him where he got the helmet and he said that he had, indeed, killed a priest for it. I asked him if they deserved it, but...
    So many people hate Kluex's followers that they would even kill them on sight. I worry for my own safety.
    - Cloud-Feather
  2. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    So, a lot happened today. The Brushing Maniac came back, Free Radical made me his full-time man-servant, and Meriweather has started questioning whether we should work for Radical or not.

    First things first. Radical offered to have me work full-time as his man-servant, instead of just at the Gala Event. I accepted and now I'm getting paid 5000 pixels a month. Sure, it can be a bit dangerous at times, but it's still great pay, and he takes good care of me, like feeding me and clothing me, as well as keeping me well equipped. I trust him.

    However, while he was teaching me to be a better man-servant, one of the Order guys sprayed purple shit all over him, who he chased around with a gun after. Meriweather didn't like this and decided to put his foot down and say he was leaving if Free Radical's first thought was to his gun and aggression. Free Radical sent me to convince him to keep his band in for the Gala event. I coaxed him into it by asking him to do it for me, and not for Radical. I feel kind of... deceptive for that. I mean, I know that without him the Gala event would be terrible, or not go on at all and I'd be out of a job, but Radical wanted him in...

    After that was delt with, Free Radical equipped me with some armour and we set off in exploration. We found a very mutated and disfigured Apex in a cage... I convinced him to let it go free and not put it down. We made a good amount of pixels and a bit of medical supplies, too, also a rifle, which I will pawn off eventually. I hope all of our exploration missions go like this.

    When we finally got back to Taranis, we talked with Meriweather, who had yelled out on the radio awhile ago that there was someone wearing Outcast armour at the Inn. Nobody was shot, I think, so us not being there hadn't been in vain. I went down to the bar after Radical said he needed to rest and I served a man some ale. Then, in comes The Brushing Maniac, but he doesn't have his Blue Jay friend with him this time. I'm smart enough to radio in help from The Order and in comes Free Radical to the rescue. He comes in, yells at the guy, gets between him and I... anyway, now he's resting on the couch while I write in this journal/diary. Upstairs they're detaining The Brushing Maniac. I only hope he gets exiled or something. He's a crazy person...
    - Cloud-Feather
  3. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Humans... sometimes I wish [Scratched out "all died on their homeworld"] they never came to Taranis.
    There was this overly perversive human who was making all sorts of remarks and what-not at the Inn. I had to kick him out after Monkey-Wrench (ANOTHER Apex that I met) leaped over the counter to evade him.

    Anyway, rant over, now for the actually journalism in the journal.
    Free Radical took me to Asansi for a bath. All those layers of dirt, grime, and bugs now gone. I feel five pounds lighter, heh. I had to bathe in a public lake though, but Free Radical kept his promise and made sure nobody saw me doing so.

    Crap, I forgot to write in the fact that before all that, an Avian by the name of Loose Beak (Male) had asked to be my friend. [Sratched out "If I'm lucky..."] That happened right before we had to beam off. I also sent a priest by the name of Stabrazer to the Avian Berserker by the name of Rage-Beak, who was a drug-addict on Shrooms.

    Man, it seems like whenever Avians come, they come in dozens, but otherwise, none. I wish they were around more often, it made me feel safer among all the Florans...

    Oh, I also cooked for Monkey-Wrench. Yay.

    - Cloud-Feather
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    [A Page in the back of the Journal]
    Coordinates to Colonies​
    Tetanus Fields
    X: 30867342
    Y :875107
    Oswin 5395 VI

    Iota Lib, far right, small blue planet.

    New Chicago
    X: -1
    Y: 3
    Omega Cas II

    Liberty Mills
    X: 85
    Y: -143
    Arrakis Majoris III

    X: 28
    Y: 11
    Lyncis Minoris IV

    Alioth Prime
    X: -597
    Y: -695
    Alioth 975 III

    X: 0
    Y: 7
    Decimata 6511 III
  5. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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  6. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Well, I was petted today, other than that, nothing, just normal, boring, happy bar life.
    So I had gotten up to talk to someone, next thing I know there's a Floran behind me, just staring directly at my eyes. I stand there, obviously worried, as she begins to slowly run her hand through my plumage. I said nothing, out of fear of being eaten or angering the Floran, but after awhile she seemed content.
    Great, now that my plumage is clean, everyplant wants to rub their hands in it.
    - Cloud-Feather
  7. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I think I got a... date? I was at a bar and a guy named Danny wanted to buy me a drink, but since the bar was collapsed in (bomb on Taranis) he gave me his number and I gave him mine, he said that we'd meet up on Alioth sometime. I don't like the colony itself, but... I mean, maybe it isn't a date, maybe it's just a... I don't know.
    In other news, the black human came back, waved his gun around, shot into a crowd and would have hit me if I wasn't cowering behind Felith. Also, a human female came up to me and downloaded some nudes onto my datapad. Nudes of Hans. I told Hans where I got them and said I'd delete them, but... I think I'll keep em for now, incase Radical wants blackmail or something on Hans... I don't like doing this, but he'd pay me well, probably.
    - Cloud-Feather
  8. Snitch

    Snitch New Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ((I'm *sniffle* I'm so damn proud of you, blackmail already!))
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    What a day...
    First things first, Han's was arrested for being an Outcast. By the time that I got to the prison doors, which were locked, Free Radical came bursting out. I hadn't known he'd been arrested, again and was quite shocked. He pulled me aside and began to yell at me and how incompetent I was and all that, but then, I raised my voice at him, yelled, and told him my side of the story. Aggressively. He saw my view, I think, and began to shower me with more gifts. Better armor, this time a helmet to go with it, and more money. He also got me these Iron Avian wings, thinking they were religious, he seemed pretty distraught when I told him they were used in plays mostly.

    Next, I gave Free Radical the blackmail information, it wasn't much use, seeing as he was already in jail, but he was proud of me. I think. Then, he told me to go stop some very well-done, but very depressing music outside the window. It was Rage-Beak and he was playing his violin. I threatened to call The Order on him multiple times until Frax stood up and challenged him to a duel. He accepted and headed down to the Arena. Free Radical sent me down to the arena as well as he rested, seeing as he was in jail for quite some time, he deserved it. When I got to the Arena, there was a Hylotl with two long-swords and a funny-shaped helmet. The two fought for some time, Rage-Beak however succeeded in the end, then carrying him off to the hospital and praising him. Probably for the practice of the fight or something... I'm just glad nobody was killed. Free Radical wasn't however, he wanted Frax or Rage-Beak to die in the Arena.

    Then I ordered my apartment furnishings, which arrived after a few hours. My home is finally decorated to suit my religion, well-being, and if my date goes in a certain direction, which I doubt will happen, but there's always a chance, no matter how small. After that, I got back to the bar and chatted about philosophy with Stabrazer. He kept saying that the people here weren't really people and just temptations and all that... I don't really know. He brought me into the light, and now I'm not liking it. He talked about purging these people, due to that they are Kluex-Less and refuse his teachings, as well as be violent and hateful.

    I don't know what to do about it. I need to talk to Krishna, or I need more time to think...

    - Cloud-Feather
  10. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I am way too tired to write this, but fuck it, I won't remember it in the morning.
    Quick a few notes, though.
    • Buy Danny new shoes
    • Buy myself some shoes that don't dig into my talons
    • Danny's foot size is 11
    • Ace doesn't have any technology to his name
    • Buy Loose Beak a present of some sort
    Okay, so, first things first, Free Radical hired another butler, seeing as how he could cook and be very formal. However, with formality he lacked fun and good company, as Radical enjoyed about me. Radical is already starting to regret hiring the fool.

    Next, I went on my date with Danny and it didn't go as planned, but we still had a good time, I think. The bar wasn't open on Alioth (if there even is a bar) so we just sat down and enjoyed each others company. He brought up the subject of my past, which I probably should have avoided talking about, as it totally ruined the mood. He said he shouldn't have brought it up and would make it up to me somehow in the future. He also was surprised and sad about ruining my first date ever.

    Lets see... after that I went to the bar and told Frax and Loose Beak about where I grew up and how I got to Antares. It made Frax fall asleep, but shes a Floran, so I can't blame her. Loose Beak and I brought Frax to my apartment so that she'd actually sleep in a bed instead of the floor. I'm writing this on the couch at the bar, so I really hope she doesn't tear up any of the furniture or eat any of the wartweed. Once we placed her in bed, Loose Beak talked to me a bit about my furniture and then eventually giving me a wooden statue of myself! It was 6 inches tall, but its a spitting image, even the clothes were right. I hugged him and said I had to make it up somehow. He said that sharing my story was a present in itself, but that certainly won't do, I need to buy him something.

    Then, I headed back to the bar and Danny was there. Some woman slipped a key into his pocket and he asked me to accompany him up to the hotel room to "Bang my brains out" or something like that, I don't remember exactly. I was nervous of course, and I told him that I had never actually done it before. He said he'd make it special or something instead, not just casual like he was implying. I apologized for wasting the money on the inn-room and the topic changed. He asked how Avian's kissed, which there is many ways that we show affection, like placing our foreheads together, or doing like Dirt-Biter did and giving little pecks, making the same motion for kissing as humans. He seemed down by that answer, but oh well, we'll make do, right?

    After that, Ace and I began to tell riddles and jokes. Apparently Ace is bisexual, as well. Anywho, the topic changed to human size and he said take the foot length and divide by two, as I was worried for obvious reasons. Huh, today feels like alot more mature stuff has happened. So, being the idiot I am, I asked Danny his foot-size out of "Curiosity". Thank Kluex Ace saved me, he said that I was going to buy him a gift, which I then chewed him out on for "spoiling the secret". Danny was quite thrilled about this and he gave me a kiss before he left, probably to go and scavenge up some more ship parts. I also have been experiencing more pain with my talons, as human shoes aren't really meant to fit with them.

    So, what an eventful day, and happy one. I hope tomorrow'll be just as good.

    - Cloud-Feather
  11. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    (( I had to rewrite this. Be careful whenever you press buttons, kiddos. ))​
    Today was a rollercoaster.
    It started off bad, then boring, then bad, then ended good with a tinge of bad.
    So, starting off, I woke up and Frax told me that he or she, or whatever it is had broken my window in my apartment. It had been trying to get out and decided that because the door was locked, it'd bust out of the window instead of unlocking the dead-bolt. Damn Florans.

    After that, I saw Danny and confessed to him the real reason why I had asked his shoe size. He said not to lie anymore, which I agreed to, of course.

    I then continued to do my bartending, serving drinks and what-not. Eventually, I went upstairs to just chill when Rage-Beak started yelling at Song-Beak. He eventually pulled out his gun, waving it around and continuing to yell at her. When he threatened to shoot her, I came up behind him and tried to put him in a headlock. He threw me to the ground (now I got a bruise) and put a knife up to my throat. He saw me as a traitor and asked why he shouldn't kill me right then and there. I told him something about Kluex, but I don't remember much of it. The adrenaline was rushing through me and my words were probably garbled. Eventually, Song-Beak threw acid at him, which could have hit me, I must say. He shot her in the leg then shot a nearby Avian in the foot. John came and arrested Rage-Beak and I called for medical assistance. A Hylotl doctor came, escorted by the USCM... the Floran was with her, the one who tortured me. I left immediately and went to my apartment to pray.

    So, when I mustered up the courage to head back to the bar, Danny was there and he was worried about me, heard that I had gotten into a fight and he wanted to see if I was alright. Danny really cares about me, and I told him so. He'd always be there for me, whether during the event or afterwards. We headed out to the beam-pad and I talked about how weird it was that they had an Avian symbol over the disguised beam-point, but he was more interested in eating fruit from the Honor Cart. I placed some pixels in the honor jar for him and then had to use the restroom. When I got back, he wasn't there, so I went west. When I got there, the door was being blockaded by some woman texting on her phone. I pushed against the door, then Song-Beak came and we pushed our weight against it. We knocked down onto the ground and I caught a glimpse of Danny. I helped her up then went East and met Danny at the medical clinic. We talked some more, then he decided to buy me a gift with the money taken from the Honor Jar, which he stole. I said that it was stealing and that he should put it back, but eventually he coaxed me into letting him keep it. I told him that I was content with my life and he didn't need to buy me one... so I said to him to make it a surprise. Then, I realized what time it was and I needed to head back to my apartment to pray and sleep, also write in my journal.

    And with that... good-night, I guess.

    - Cloud-Feather
  12. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I'm a day off, so don't judge. I was praying last night and forgot to write in my journal.

    So, yesterday Danny got himself arrested. I was hanging out with him down at the bar and we were talking and playing a little game when Aubrey yells at me to get him a drink. Danny tells him to piss off, but I tell Danny to wait just for a second and that I'd be right back. Aubrey calls me a couple names, like the usual and Danny was having none of it. He went up there to tell off Aubrey while I grabbed Aubrey his drink. Aubrey took the drink and sprayed it into Danny's face... kind of my fault.

    Danny went whirling at him with his durasteel knuckles and they got into a real brawl, if you could call it that. It was mostly Danny just [Crossed Out--->]-beating-Aubrey-against-the-bar-[<---Crossed Out] punching Aubrey repeatedly while he cowered on the floor near the bar. I tried to get Danny to stop when The Order came in and arrested them. I went to their cell and Danny told me that he did this because he cared about me and said that I shouldn't let anyone treat me like that. I visited him today, still locked up, even though he was supposed to be released this morning.

    I just wish Danny would stop getting into fights so much...

    - Cloud-Feather
  13. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Gore, Danny's out of jail, I cooked a batch of Pineapple Upside-Crown Cakes, and Taranis' law is shit.
    Now let's get to writing.

    First things first, I heated up some left-overs and ate, drinking some wine in moderation. I decided to make Danny some Pineapple Upside-Crown cake and tossed them in the oven to cook. I then proceeded to head to the bar, but surprise surprise, nobodies there. I decided to visit some new Space-Colony, forgot what it's called, but it's a huge space-station with a biodome and everything. After testing to see if the water in the bio-dome was real or not, I was approached by some human janitor, I think his name started with an M or something, I don't remember. I left soon after that, as I needed to take the cake's out of the oven. I took them out and stashed them away in the pan.

    Then, a while after that, I was manning the bar when everybody ran out in a rush, I shrugged it off and continued to play some old 1998 Earth game on my datapad, the graphics are pretty shitty, but it's still a fun game and it runs well on my device. Anyway, I was playing and I hear some calls for help near the beam-pad, so I shuffle my way up there and lying on the ground was this one blonde human with his legs all snapped and out of place, a bite in his ankle, bleeding everywhere. There was also this Apex by the name of Panzer, she was lying on the ground all screwed up too. I proceeded to throw up in the nearby bushes and saw myself out so that actual Doctor's could help them.

    After I had gotten some more food in me, I went back to the beam-pad to see if they had bled out or had gotten help and I saw Danny arguing with the large black Glitch, forgot her name as well. I hugged him and said I was glad he was out of the jail. We argued with the Glitch about Taranis' laws and how they shouldn't have even imprisoned him in the first place. They not only held him for another day, but they didn't even pay him for it, or give him some kind of physical sign of "I'm sorry we did this.".

    I asked Danny if he wanted to head up to my apartment, as I had something to show him. I purposely kept it a surprise so that he would be, infact, surprised. I opened up the cupboard, took out the Pineapple Upside-Crown Cake's in their pan and held it out to him. He seemed a bit surprised at the fact that I baked, but, he didn't object. I said take as many as you'd like and he stuffed himself full. I doubt they fed him much food in the prison, so it must've been quite the treat. Kluex, I sound like an old person...

    After he had finished with the Pineapple Upside-Crown Cakes, I said that I might as well show him the rest of my apartment. Eventually we reached the bedroom and I pointed out things like how it's ironic that my window has a very great view of the stars and that followers of my religion are called "Star-Gazers". I also pointed out that most of the stuff in my apartment was paid for by Free Radical and that my armour was in the closet. He swung open the doors and I told him the backstory of the clothes inside. After awhile, he motioned to the bed and said "And that's the bed I'll shag you on, later." or something along the lines of that. I was kind of embarrased, or... what's the word? You know what I mean, whoever you are. He made me feel uncomfortable and I changed the subject. Eventually he had to go, but I'm still kind of worried about the whole "sex" thing.

    I shouldn't complain though. I've been blessed to have such a great life.

    - Cloud-Feather
  14. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Danny got arrested, again, this time by the Reszulat Armada. Figures. They locked him up for fighting. Zero-Tolerance policies are complete bullshit and shouldn't even be allowed in schools, let alone law. He invited me up onto his ship and next thing I know, somebodies holding a gun to the back of my head. After coaxing her out of it, Danny introduces me to his sister nick-named "Cum-Dumpster." No idea what that's supposed to mean, but I guarantee you, it's something sexual that didn't translate correctly.

    His sister then stole him away and left me in some weird control room, where I proceeded to play that 1998 game on my phone until they returned. We then headed down to his "living room" and I took a look at his TV out of curiousity, as it was broken. Turns out, its wires were burnt, or slashed, or just plugged in wrong. If I had time, I could fix it, but it was... kind of a family meeting, or something.
    I went to use the restroom and when I got back, his sister told him to stop talking shit about me and the two were smoking.

    Not much happened after that and I'm too tired to write anyway. I need to pray, lock the door and window, then sleep.

    My life is pretty good, 'cept for Danny getting arrested all the time.

    [Jarbled down quickly between the lines] Danny's getting me a present tomorrow. Can't wait.

    - Cloud-Feather
  15. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    (( Loose Beak to Dirt-Feet at some future date: "Ah, you have a partner! Delightful! What color is their plumage?"

    Dirt-Feet: "..."
  16. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I finally found it again. Lost my journal for awhile, buried underneath all that space-tight mechanical armour.
    So much has happened between then and now... love, death, and questions. I'll go in order of the days.

    First Day during and after Journal Loss
    I started off the morning fine, serving drinks and stuff. Once my shift ended, I headed up to be a butler to Free Radical. We soon got in an argument about my boyfriend, Danny St. Ives. He started threatening to kill him and send out Floran mercenaries... even though he was at fault. I kept trying and trying to talk him out of it, but eventually, I felt Krishna's voice speaking to me. Now was a time for bravery. I stood my ground, yelled at him, eventually challenging him to a duel in the arena to settle things. I marched home, armoured myself in the heaviest thing I could, grabbing my heavy-metal welder, for burning through his armour, and my sword for piercing once it had gotten through. I planned it out, but in the end it was of no use. I went down to the arena, took out my weapons, then Radical proceeded to shoot me right in the chest with his pistol, dropping me to the ground. A Hylotl came to my aid and he was shot as well. I managed to bring myself up and I lunged at him, only to be shot once more, bruising my lungs. He ran off before the guards could catch him. I was hobbled my way back to my apartment where I called Danny on my radio, switching into my old K'arn outfit. I set up a trap, as Free Radical said he would see me again, whether I wanted to or not.

    Danny knocked on the door, I asked who it was and he replied. I then disarmed the trap and let him in. He helped me to the bed and we talked, however briefly I could. Every breath I took pained me, so I told him the jist of it. Eventually, someone started slipping Floran-Like objects and notes under the door. Obviously the terrible Floran hitmen Radical sent. We set up the trap, aimed our guns for awhile, called the guards, and then climbed into bed together and slept.

    Second Day after Journal Loss
    When I woke up, Danny was in the kitchen talking to Miri, his sister, who was smoking. I told her to put her cigarette out, which she did, and we talked. Miri kept whispering to Danny, however. My suspicions kept rising on why he kept so many secrets. He had never told me his job before either. These thoughts kept whirring about my head as he talked to me about some get-rich quick scheme of his. I don't remember much of it, but it had to do with casinos. Anyway, after Miri left, I confronted him, we shared secrets and I learned that he was infact, an Outcast. I don't know if I made the right choice... the government's around here do indeed suck, but Anarchy...? Is that the best thing for Taranis? I don't know, maybe. I've decided, since then, to aid the Outcasts, but, in secret. It wouldn't be until tomorrow that I actually held my promise.

    I went back to sleep, I think. I don't remember, my memory is fuzzy.

    Third Day after Journal Loss
    I woke up and headed out to the bar to work, my Avian armour equipped. I met Loose-Beak along the way and we talked. He asked me who my nest-mate was and what his plumage color was. I told him that Danny was shaven and that he was a human. Loose-Beak seemed kind of out of it and I asked him which concerned him more, that I was dating a non-Avian or that I was gay. He said that he never really saw much of either in Antares, except in women, for some reason.

    Then, I met Free Radical there, and I pulled my pistol on him. He said some things about losing his staff and committing suicide, but giving me some of his pixels first. I asked why and he said that I had been his only friend. I felt sorry, but his nature couldn't be forgiven. I had tried to change him time and time again, but he was still the ruthless murderer inside. I... talked him into killing himself. He headed up to his ship and I was soon given a large sum of pixels.

    Later that day, I was heading back to the bar after a bathroom break and Skarti was clutching bandages. I tried to help him and he collapsed onto the ground. I tried to apply the bandages more, but I have no medical knowledge of what was wrong and all that blood was starting to make me nauseous. Danny came by at just the right moment and he whisked me away. I promptly threw up in a bucket and we were at my apartment, discussing things and getting myself cleaned up.​

    Then, I headed back to the bar after Danny had to leave to go do something. Probably Outcast work. I sat down on the stool and I heard a crashing noise downstairs. I headed down to see an Outcast, surprisingly, who had smashed a pink tea-cup out of anger. I talked to him, calmed him down, used my amazing pacifist charm and we started conversing. He said that he knew who I was from a friend of his, probably Danny. Soon after came a Taranis Guard, a glitch, surprisingly. He raised his boltgun at The Outcast and I began to create a diversion. I walked in front of him and headed up the stairs, giving him enough time to run down the stairs and escape. I have quite the bargain when it comes to diplomacy. The Taranis Guards like me and The Outcasts like me.

    After awhile, Danny came to the bar and we talked. I beckoned him over the bar and we began to talk in secret. I told him about saving his Outcast friend and he called me a Saint and hugged me. No idea what a saint is, either he's calling me family or it's an adjective for something. While we hugged, he slipped something into my pocket. He told me to take it out and put it in my datapad. It was a montage of him talking about me on camera, probably his own journal. It was very sweet and looked like it took a long time. After a black screen with some human words on it that were translated as "Grand Finale", he looked down at me and told me that he loved me, he didn't sound so sure, as if worried that I would say I didn't love him, but I did. He seemed so happy and relieved that I did.

    After a few moments passed and what-not, I told him about Free Radical. He seemed relieved and comforted me with my decision. I went up, gave Money-Wrench some food and went to bed. I found my journal the next day.

    I found my journal, prayed, slept, ate, and managed the empty bar.
    Nothing interesting.

    - Cloud-Feather
  17. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Well... just had my first time in a hospital bed.

    Danny was drinking and mixed in some drugs. I said that it wasn't good for him, but he drank anyway, soon after he collapsed onto the ground. I called a doctor and they got his stomach pumped. I told the doctor that The Order would pay his medical bill, though I doubt they would. I started talking to Danny while he was lying in the bed, and eventually it came to the subject of The Outcasts. We talked and I said that I wanted to help him in any way possible, whether it be maintaining the ships, or checking the gear...
    After that, the conversation turned to more lustious things and we "soiled" the hospital bed. Apparently Ace said I was walking like a penguin.

    That was awkward to write about.

    - Cloud-Feather
  18. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    The entire universe hates me now.

    I was managing the bar when some woman came down and said to me that my relationship with Danny was over. I said that she couldn't be serious and we argued. Eventually, I texted Danny asking if it was true and he said yes. He said he was doing it for my safety, but I at the time thought I knew what was happening. He was just trying to let me down easy. I told him to never contact me again and I left my phone on the counter, heading downstairs to reflect.

    Soon, banging noises came from above on the grate. Danny came over to talk to me in-person, so I opened up the grate. Behind him were two mercenaries, one wearing armour like Danny's, but green. I don't remember what they said, but as I pulled the grate down, they started shooting. A bullet skimmed me acrossed the cheek. One centimeter more and I would be dead...

    I crawled down to the basement, then Danny yelled for me to follow him. I crouch-walked over, following him the best I could, ignoring all the other gunfire and people scattered about. I beamed up to his ship and we talked. The mercenaries said about how I was working with The Outcasts and aiding them, but... I hadn't, yet. So, if they were going to spread rumours, I might as well follow through with them. I joined up with The Outcasts then and there, having talked to Danny for a bit. He said he wanted to put me away from him to not cause danger, but now that I was already in danger...

    Kluex, I still love him, I don't want to let him go, ever. I just... hope that things will be better now, even though everyone outside The Outcasts wants me dead...

    - Cloud-Feather
  19. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    We captured Katta today...

    I woke up and headed over to the brig, where Katta was in jail. I asked Danny what was up and he said that we were getting information and money from her. Eventually, we went over to scrap her ship and steal her loot, which I did. I feel sorry for Katta... she used to be my friend, but now she just gave me a terrified and angry look... Danny talked to her, made her feel really bad about herself, then made sure nobody else talked to her. He's got a way with words... no wonder The Outcasts have so many recruits. I sat there on the stairs when Danny came over and offered to fuck that frown into a smile, or something... I don't remember, though I do remember what followed afterwards.

    After that, I layed in bed, listening to the radio and people started talking about Danny. I stupidly butt in, futhering the fact that I was with The Outcasts.

    Eventually, we released Katta and made a good sum of pixels. I feel sorry for her though... nobody has to suffer that kind of abuse.

    - Cloud-Feather
  20. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I feel like shit... why'd I join up with The Outcasts...? Why did I continue to fall for Danny, even though he's done such terrible things...?
    People on the radio... Gills, an AI, a Mercenary, and Ace... they talked to me about all the shit I did... all the things I promoted just by being with Danny.
    I've had my doubts about this group, but now...?
    I mean... where else am I going to go, though? Ex-Outcast doesn't sound good on a resume... most people would kill or capture me just for being close to Danny...
    Plus, I don't want to leave Danny... never. He's the only one in this screwed up frontier that actually cares.

    - Cloud-Feather