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Digital Notebook: 'Wren'

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Chronicle, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ***File: stargazer-kroka***

    > more like stargazer cloaca hahahahahahahhahahshahahah

    > imsorryihadto

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  2. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ***File: log31***

    > You know. I kind of miss my life.

    > ..the way it was im ean.

    > i miss Shrike. starting to think i never wont. I dont ever wanna go back home wigth the crazies there, but if it would bring him back id do it. Id do almost anything.. .i always thought thatd go away after a whiel, but..... nope.

    > I dont miss avos, but i miss living there with him. I guess anywehere would be ok though. miss my old job, too. I definitely miss Boss. airships, too. there's nothing like it. Someday i still want to live on one forever, just to feel the wind through my feathers. soaring through the clouds like a sunborn. for a bit you just forget everything and cant help but feel it.

    > I miss my pod. sure, i was kinda jobless and had no idea what i was doing but, i felt safe. It was intimidatingyeah sure. but i figured id figure something out. And i had all the jerks on the radio to keep me company.

    > i met leon through the plucking radio actually that's just weird.

    > I missHepu. i hope hes ok.

    > I even miss the bunker. i mean, its depressing as can be living in a pluckin underground all the time never seeing the sky. And i kinda prefer it here on alioth, but.... yeah. I guess i miss the people there. Theyre almost like ther crazy ridiculous family i never had.. its so weird that i know them now. But i really do miss them after this week. even with being able to stay somewhere pretyt safe, under the sky, with fresh food and air and stuff i still miss the bunker, just for them.

    > ....theone thing that makes it worth staying here is my mate. its wonderful being able to be open with him here. its quiet so we can stay together and not worry about people finding out. (none of the locals know me anyway) Pluck we even have a house. I mean its his but i live in it. its like were a legit couple for once. :>

    > that makes it worth leaving the others at the bunker for a hwile. just that alone.

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > i wish we could be like this back in the bunker more often. Or maybe just with someone else. pluck id be happy if i could just talk toSOMEONE about us, without lying. it feels wrong to lie to someone im so close to.

    > I think maybe his weirdo ex from before is getting in my head. i dunno. i just wish i knew why hes so against telling like, even people we really really trust, like Moon and Aiss. like i understand not wwanting people to know because of your rep but we trust them . Its close, trusted friends. telling them, thats different.

    > .....Im starting to worry its me.

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > pluck i need advice.

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #42 Chronicle, Jun 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  3. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ***File: log32***

    > lots of stuff happen these past couple days

    > with aissas advice i talked to my mate about that issue. iw as really worried about doing it but aiss said i had to go for it. Im glad i did, it turns out hes still just really plucking shy. He also said hes just kinda overwhelmed or freaked out or whatever by everything. I think this is his first stable reltionship. thatd explain it..

    > we talked a lot that night i think hell be ok. I hope im starting to convince him that he should at least let us tell aissa. I think shed be perfect for this:: he doesnt know her too well so theres no stakes, but he knows i know we can trust her. and i know shes cool and wont be awful aout it or anything. I think itd really encourage him, help him relax, hope he decides to go for it soon..

    > also i finally went to see the doc (dr. Miranda Sushi i think). of course she doesnt know whats wrong with me. :< but shesays a brain scan should doit... im not really convinced (especially since it costs four hundred pixels holy skies) but um hawke trusts her so im putting my faith in this. maybe w ecan discuss the price based on the results. Either way she wants the info from blackbeak about when he tireated my hejkjad woujd ,

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > note to self ask moon for info

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  4. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ***File: log33***

    > ctrl+alt+shift+d

    > fuck italics.

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
  5. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ***File: log34***

    > so much has happened lately, can't believe i've barely kept up with logs.

    > i guess my memorys starting to imrpove, haven't needed to read them as much. still got the plucking headaches though.

    > i got a job with some company called voidstar but um kinda got shot on my first job with them not excatly what i expected haha

    > ...Hawke got hurt the other day though, hit hsi head, wouldnt wake up until the next say. im kinda worried about him hes been acting really weird since he woke up, kinda upset. i think hes mad at me. told me go to home instead of staying with him. kinda snapped.

    > hes been home for a day or two now but hes been resting a lot. not talked much. im trying to give him some space, maybe itll...yknow, help i guess.

    > bit worried

    > also got a night job with a club over in new chicago. i was a bit worried about it but it's a music job so i couldnt pass it up. the head person there is TERRIFYING but i think everything else will be ok, im good at playing music. also theres some nice people there like the bartender, sky, and wingwing. (hes super nice i like him.)

    > the boss wants me to run an event this weekend though and i have NO IDEA what to do, kinda freaking out. i got to talk to some guy named pink (why is every pink guy a jerk) and he told me id get paid 20 pixels an hour. gave me 300 off top for the event and said that if i started makin a name for myself id make extra. so i gotta do this right.

    > gonna start advertising tonight when i get home seriously nervous aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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  6. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ***File: log35***

    > holy crow its plucking criminals


    > im terrifiedkluexwhatdoido

    > ugh i GOTTA go back for tonight but im so freaked out man maybe i can just do it quiet not get noticed

    > THE BAG v----> THE BOX ^ SHIP

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  7. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    (( Wren is just too cute sometimes. ))
  8. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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  9. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ***File: log36***

    > hawke came to the shoooooooooooooooooow!!! :>>>> <3

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