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Digital Notebook: 'Wren'

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Chronicle, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log17***

    > i wokeup to some plucking human freak watchhing me sleep

    > some robot freak came in aft er him and startted pointin a rifle at me oh kkluex

    > he says it was for my safety pluck you freakatronicpowerbot yo dont poinst guns at peopple your helping wtp

    > he says i coulda been raped or murderd and damn him hes rihgt holy crow what do i do

    > and ffuck italics fogrhsgelorsgmr.s

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
  2. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log18***

    > that human freak can get tarred i dont care

    > It doesnt matter i'm on an AIRSHIP. Hawk has one! Well hes staying in one anyway haha

    > And hes LETTING ME STAY IN IT KLUEX THIS IS SO COOL \o \/o/ \o\ /o/

    > i am so plucking happy right now im just gonna stay up here for like all day ive been here for hours and its so good

    > i immsed airships a lot I realise. Theres nothing like it. I miss a lot about my old job with my old friends but i think i miss the airship most. I feel so ALIVE up here. I forgot to take my psychotic meds and it didnt even matter i dont even need themup here its AMAZING.

    > I hope Hawk gets back soon i want to thank him again even though i have like fifty times hahah. This is even better with him up here.

    > Im so happy.

    > Shrike would love this

    > :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
  3. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log19***

    > so that freak robbed my house

    > Apartment, whatever. almost got away with moon's computer. And Boss's poster. pluck man i shoulda killed him for that.

    > whatever. He said he wasnt stalking me, hes just really stupid. Reall,y really stupid. i caught him on his return trip when he wantted to steal MORE stuff. chased him througgh th street, got him to give it upl

    > his plucking friend was scary though holy crow. thatt gun was bigger than he was! like what

    > whatever man, i got the stuff back and he promised to leavve me alone. Then after that some guy, lookd like human but not? Hawk said he was "infested', i dunno what that means. but he plucking messed up the cafe, started harasing people, vandalissing, generraly just being a total jerk. fuck that guy like whatws his problem?

    > mabe he thought it made him look cool? Jus lookd like a lunatic though. real stupid lunatic.

    > hes dead. good riddance, he threw grenades at us. pluck man thatt was scary everyone freakking out

    > everyones ok though thats all that maters. Im still in the airship still love it. I went for food a litle bit ago and saw the bars open though, thats cool. think Ill go by. havent talked to vecks in a bit. :>

    > .... I havent seen Moon lately i hope shes ok. Maybe shes at the bar. Ill go check

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
  4. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log20***

    > ar mm od

    > br ok k jg e

    > i givup

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #24 Chronicle, May 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2014
  5. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***Speech-to-Text Initiated.***

    ***File: log21***

    > Okay here we go man this feels awkward

    > So I got my arm broken by then fucking crazy robot so now I don't have one I do but its like broken

    > I am I saying the same thing uh.

    > Wait to see what I said what the fuck

    > What

    > Pluck it whatever is close enough.

    > Yeah those A's but I think she'll be up in the night probably take a rest with her so little quieter at least

    > I actually meant rimming that's cool he's nicer than I imagined I'm really care what sara says he's definitely a person sorry

    > Whatever we talked relationship and accidentally shout it out my status sex tonight is now I know they know I can hear them laughing

    > And we'll scared about it hopefully it turns out okay. little sis forget about it

    > This feeling is later

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #25 Chronicle, May 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2014
  6. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log22***

    > wtp spech 2 text

    > arms brokn. cn varely type.

    > remmys rely nice

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #26 Chronicle, May 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2014
  7. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: trust***


    > moon

    > divewing

    > remmy (warning-empir prograning)

    > skarti

    > ayissa?

    > vecks?

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #27 Chronicle, May 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2014
  8. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log23***

    > typin w 1 arm sux

    > so do tooleo and migel like wtp

    > noyte; txt hawk

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #28 Chronicle, May 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2014
  9. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log24***

    i have an arm again ayyyyyyyyyyyy

    > Ugh arm i missed you. never leave me again. our love is strong like the tiiiide

    > we will always have each otha :>

    > okay i'm done. A lots happened. Some guy reinforced my apartment so its safe to go there again. but that crazy robot that broke my arm is back on LM. i'm staying somewhere called "waterosa" now with Hepu until its safe. (well or until he has to leave haha)

    > I made some new contacts (like HEpu) so Im gonna put those in now, make sure i get caught up. Waterosa is awesome so im gonna love staying here a bit.

    > ....as long as i dont do somethingstupid and ruin my freindship with hawk like wtp wren

    > Actually it couldnt be worse thn yesterday, so Itll be okay Ithink. stop worrying so much

    > update files after getting water okgo!!

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #29 Chronicle, May 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  10. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***Renaming file "ayissa" to "aissa".***

    ***File: hepu***

    > Male, reddish-pink. Hepu is awesome! he's mute but he can communicate really well. He got shot in the head and lived holy crow. Hes super nice, and works for the Fleet I Think , which is a little worrrying because they csn be crazy but still. i just hope they dont make him do something stupid of crazy.

    > Either way he's awesome and i love being his friend :>

    ***File: dust***
    > Male, brown. Guy that just moved in below Aissa, above SKarti. Hes 18, first time having hisown place, kinda broke, really careful.. even wears a cool bandana. Its weird but he reminds of, uh. Me haha. Hes really nice thouhg and hes a friend. dunno if grounded or not.

    ***File: sam***
    > Robot, black + yellow body/pink head. uh youll know him when you see him. Hes REALLY creepy! but i think its not on purpose, hes actually really nice. Hes really sad though becaus everyones scared of him. (understandable since hes plucking able to COPY ANYONE'S VOICE BY THE WAY).... I like him but i dunno if he likes me much. i hope things work out for him.

    > also currently have his arm so uh hope he comes back 4 that

    ***File: rookster***
    > Female, black. plucking. psycho

    > okay maybe not 100%% psycho. just lonely. psycho when drunk tho pls be careful if shes drunk. I think she might be into me haha thats gonna be real awkward if so.. Wants to be friends but i dunno if i drust her. Not sure if religious. just watch out.

    ***File: leon***
    > Human, male, dark. Aissas younger brother. Remmys friend. My friend now too. little weird but really funny. I think hes a relly nice person too, just doesnt act like it a lot. Probably can trust. defs can trust if its for rem

    ***File: yung***
    > alive

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #30 Chronicle, May 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  11. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log25***

    hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies

    > ihaveanester

    > forreslathistimeohkluex


    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #31 Chronicle, May 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  12. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log26***

    so yep nester haha

    > theyre shy so its a secret, but you know who it is

    > Theyre in the bath roght now just kind of chilling

    > this is the best btw

    > :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.*
    #32 Chronicle, May 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2014
  13. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: exodus1***

    > War's coming.

    > Thats what L says anyway. he's heard from the radio man, backfrom the dead, and that guys keeping an ear on everything thats going on and everything thats GOING to happen. Hes really sure of it. i believe him.

    > according to him, liberty mills is going to be attacked. either by the armada, the empire, or both.

    > when thye do itll be a nightmare.

    > Hawk has mobility in his job so he doesnt have to stay. moon doesnt either id guess. Even if she did she an handle her self. Im really scared for hepu but hawke says he can handle himself too and I believe him, the guy got shot in the head and lived like holy crow.

    > Dust wont be okay though, i dont think he can even fight. I gotta talk to him.

    > aiss will be ok she knows. ill ask her about vecks. Rem is starbound. leon is too.

    > sam is starbound i think maybe try to find him but i think he'll be fine.

    > lyra and skarti i dunno if i can trust enough to nto cause a panic or fo something stupid with the info

    > We're not gonna evacuate yet but were gonna be ready. getting an escape plan set up. hawkes sure we can make it out in time when the bombs start falling, im pretty sure too. If nothing else we can hide until its safer to leave, but if we leave now well "burn bridges" and thats a bd idea.

    > the rest im either sure will be fine or i just cant worry about, Im only one person, others have to do what I cant. maybe i can try later but i gotta worry about Dust right now. Once he knows ill check with aiss about vecks. Then we get the route set up

    > Ive surfived worse than this and i think Hawk has too and were gonna be ok.

    > i wonder if i can reach radio man....

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.*
    #33 Chronicle, May 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  14. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: exodus2***

    > Vecks has a bunker it turns out. thats cool. he says i can stay in it, but not to tell anyone in the fleet (including Hepu) or lyra or Hawk.

    > kinda hate that but ill do it for now i guess. hell let hawk in if trouble starts.... so

    > Dust knows the plan and hes got a comm. hes in but wants krishna and his friends to go too Ill see what i can do. he wont tell them yet though.

    > Vecks's bunket might be a plan but i gotta know that everyone else ca go. if he wont let hawk in thisll be a problem, major problem.

    > get the plan formed and this might work out ok, ask Hawk about it when he wakes up

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.*
    #34 Chronicle, May 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  15. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log27***

    > ohfuckIFuckedupbiig itmeohkies

    > lost aisss haetme now kluex hahash imsch aplsukinrab

    ***Terminating Session. All files saved***
    #35 Chronicle, May 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  16. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log28***
    wtp relax like holy crow

    ***Updating: sam***
    update: Medical bot. setnience clashed w/. medical programming, couldnt fix wihout corrupting code. left as failure. Actual designation: S.O.U.L. forgot what it means haha

    > Goin through some stuff but hust wants to help people and have friends and thats not too bad. maybe vedks will et him in the bunker if i spin this right

    ***Renaming file "remmy" to "remy".***

    ***Updating: remy***
    Update: wow this entrys old. Remy's cool. hes my friend. empire loyalty programmings aslo removed so he can be trusted even more than before. Sometimes blows mey cover by accident tho but el not his fault.

    ***Updating: rookster***
    update: turns out she thought it was attractive haha awkward. fixed that i think shes disappointed but OK. Still friends? if we were before? note: if you meet someone named Avis, tell her

    ***Updating: hawk***

    > <3

    ***Terminating Session. All files saved***
    #36 Chronicle, May 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  17. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***Overwrite: trust***

    > Hawk(!!!!!!)

    > Moon(!)

    > Aissa(!)

    > Leon

    > Divewing

    > Remy (empire programming- gone)

    > Vecks

    > Dust(?) (grounded. but crishna?? + militant/non??)

    > Sam (warning:unpredictable)

    > Hepu(!) (warning:fleet)

    ***Are you sure you wish to overwrite file "trust"?***

    > y

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
  18. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log29***

    > im reallyl realllyscared

    > soome stargazeeeer founjdme

    > he tookmedo hisship there were peopled in the cofffinnes tjeryu were svcreaming

    > im going to go itn ooen if i dont tlel him if i dont

    > kluexx in know thiss is wrotnbg this s sso wrong waaht go i do

    > wtop do it do im just gonna stay in hered forerver

    > i ddont caree ill stay in ehre foreever thats othe olan wtpkf everf ffri rkgont giviei s a pleuck3

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > i cant lie to kluex so i made a asacrifice i justwant to do whats right

    > kluex owuldnt want this would he/

    > i just want to go to the aether i dont wantto be a rabbit idontwant the coffin

    > i dont know my head hurts so plucking muci cant think about this

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > im gonna die in this hole

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    ***Session timed out. All files saved.***
    #38 Chronicle, Jun 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  19. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log30***

    > i've been kind of.....

    > havent left the bunker in over a week.

    > pluck i havent left my room in like three days except for food or something

    > hawk said today thatwe need to go somewhere.. hes saying we should go to Alioth. apparently theyre different from most flightless, real anti stargazer. weird..

    > ....hes promising itll be safe. i didnt say ID go but i think i iwll

    > ill talk to Vecks about it. still need toask about my bandanges too. And todd maybe he can watch him dont wanna bring him in case i needto leave wuick

    > im gonna miss waterosa a lot wish i could go back some day

    > ..f.uck stargazers

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #39 Chronicle, Jun 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  20. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    ***File: log31***

    > Well Alioth is really nice.

    > it turns out the r. armada has invaded tetnus fields. Tjats kinda scary to be honest but i think well be OK apparently. Vecks gave me the little pin, it should keep me safe and get me back to the bunker.. if we need it. if.

    > ....Hawk isnt worried though so im not gonna worry either. this place is a secret, itll be ok. Im glad for that. Its really, really nice here. iy reminds me a lot of avos, but. i dunno. Better.

    > Vecks and aissa were sad i was leaving the bunker for a few days but i promised id come back so I think its ok now. Theyre happy im going as long as Im safe. Im really glad i went, too.

    > Hawk has a house and a office here, both of them. Thats really impressive.! Theres an altar in the office which is a little scary but im trying not to worry about it much maybe its just for show or something?? or hes religious but he doesnt like the starghazrsso i dont think he does anyway so im not gonna worry.

    > i got my bandages off. myfeathers around the scars are gone. And also there are scars hsha. Theyrekinda freaking me out. they feel really weird. i hope vecks didnt see them. Its kinda makes me scared to thin about em i still remember the ship too muchh

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > im not gonna worry. im ggonna relax. Im in a house (a real house holy crow), Im safe, im unharmed, and im with someone who loves me. And ilove him too. really really much

    > ihope he knows that. He looks peaceful here. Like hes OK

    ***No input detected. Timeout imminent. Extend session?***

    > everythings gonna be ok.

    ***Terminating session. All files saved.***
    #40 Chronicle, Jun 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014