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Cosmic Anomaly Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Kazyyk, Aug 7, 2015.

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  1. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I agree as well. Way not just make the in to like ribbons kind of like the Nexus
  2. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    Why would this new place not have explorers? Or even people trying to get to a different sector? There can be many travelers too. The idea is that the Anomaly is undiscriminating, it can get anyone. Even if the first people are not explorers by trade(or any other service by the way including pursuers), there will be a demand for people to become them pretty soon after. It would be a brand new, undiscovered place.
  3. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    The reason why nobody can be an explorer in our new sector is because anyone who is in the sector was brought here by the anomaly. Anyone traveling to our sector previously would have gotten hit by the anomaly on their way there. If the entire galaxy has been disrupted by the anomaly, there is nowhere to trade with. There are no more homeworlds, no more factories, since everyone who previously worked there is now somewhere else. Anyone handling trade could now be halfway across the galaxy. The only people to trade with would be ourselves. The only possible newcomers who could be traders or explorers would be refugees from some sector like ours in a relatively close proximity. Anyone leaving our sector is immediately an explorer, since the entire galaxy is now different. Say for instance a trader arrives. They can interact with us, sure. But they can't go back. There's nowhere to go. A galaxy-wide wipe brings an element of isolation that is unavoidable.
  4. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I still don't like the idea of a Galaxy wide wipe (displacement). I honestly beginning to question weather the server is wanting to start its own lore, or use CF cannon lore as a template then got from there. If this anomaly is galaxy wide then it is set the this server is creating/wanting its own lore. IF it just isolated to the old Antares sector then fine. Anything then that is well... previously stated. I think the anomaly should simple ribbon through only effecting this sector and then gone as it came.
  5. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    So you don't want the wipe or just not galaxy wide? I think we've come up with an idea that might address the galaxy wide part but we would still be isolated, I don't know of a way around that using the idea put forth of an Anomaly. Unless it's a true wipe without scifi anomalies, just an OOC true do-over. Though in that case it breaks current character continuity. So there really aren't any total solutions to all the issues. We will be isolated it sounds like so compromise has to take place on player parts, and really acceptance or we'll never move forward with these ideas..

    I'm cool with either option, but it makes sense that only parts of the milky way are being affected, sending folks on a one way ticket to a new undiscovered zone.
    #125 SP3CTR3, Aug 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2015
  6. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I get that the server needs an explanation for the wipe but a galaxy wide wipe is rewriting what CF lore is there. If this anomaly becomes galaxy wide than you might as well add in all the other things that people want from the race, history, etc.

    Adjusting this anomaly to be just a sector base, limited occurrence. Keep it isolated to just Antares seems more logical then saying "F$%K IT!" and make it galaxy wise because people either don't want too, too lazy, or feel the needs not to take the time and give a good scientific explanation to how this anomaly affected the sector.

    If this is a galaxy wide wipe what will stop other lore being overwritten?

    Let me ask this of the staff and perhaps Kaz (if he is still hanging around).

    • Is the anomaly being galaxy wide or sector?
    • If it is just the sector then is Antares being shunted?
    • If yes then, CF lore will remain as is correct? That also means the Antares will not longer be in the Milky Way right?
    • Was the plan to be in the same galaxy, or move?
    • If no then, is the anomaly going to cause Antares to be more like a piece of paper being torn apart and use for spit wages being shoot at a Galaxy map. Right?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1439636125][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay so I have taken the time to reread all of the information Kaz originally proposed and what question has been asked. There are some contradictions. I believe the staff may need to hammer these out.

    0 =

    1 =
    Sounds Galaxy wide which it agrees with 0. This is CF cannon lore damaging and does not conform with Kaz proposed, "This will allow us to re-seed the universe, provide an explanation for everyone being moved forcibly, and allow us to preserve and acknowledge previous history without invalidating it."

    2 =
    Goes with 0 Galaxy is a ball of paper and used as a spit wade in the universe.

    3 =
    Not harmful to organic or races.

    4 =
    I don't see how as time is measure by stars and constellation movements. One all is displaced knowing the exact time will be impossible. Unless AA (After Anomaly) use to start the beginning of time. Contradicts with 2.

    5 =
    On par with 3. I am with SP3CTR3 on this that those in space on a ship should experience a lot of violent distortions. Basically the ship itself dealing with a spacial storm.

    6 =
    Sounds like Kaz is forgoing CF cannon lore. Agreed with 0 and 1.

    7 =
    Agree and understand. Goes with 0.

    8 =
    Contradicts the original proposal and number 1.

    9 =
    Contradics with 0, 1, 2, and 7, but goes with 8.

    10 =
    Goes with 2. So this deals with a time displacement effect as well. Character A gets displaced and it is instant. Character B is displaced at it is months after Character A. Character c gets displaced and is days after years after A and B. How is the not effecting the past and future? Time displacement is exactly that.

    11 =
    Goes with 0, 1, 2, and 7, but contradicts with 8 and 9. Actually this is not possible as with the navigation systems being so messed up do to the anomaly. Every players ship and world would need to construct all new nav charts. Until this is done no one will ever be able to go back home or to their homeworld.

    12 =
    Goes with 6, 0, and 1 completely for going all CF lore.

    13 =
    Goes with 5 and 3. Physically I say that ships should suffer problems.

    14 =
    Goes with 0 obviously. However retcon never happened also. If a person is on a planet and the planet with the person is displaced at the same time. The person loses their ship. This means that all those on say... on Terra enjoying night cap will all be stuck together. Which mean the old colonies exist, but all of those characters lost their ship as the ship would be displaced separately from the character?

    15 =
    Goes with 0 but does not allow for maximum creativity, as there will be one common background point that all new characters will have in a form of a question. "Where were you when the anomaly hit?" What is the difference between this and the CF race starter lore?

    So basically these are the numbers. Out of 14 things we know. 10 are with the original proposal which again does against CF lore. 3 are misc. information. 2 contradict the originally and offers better use of CF lore.

    I hate say this staff but there is a lot of hammering out to do. After my other question above the real question is.

    Will the server be creating its own lore or be canon with CF?

    Be mindful that if the server creates it own lore then be prepared for problems with lore additions in lore discussions.

    As least with keeping to canon some exception can be made a guide line is still stuck to as a template.
  7. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    I like the idea of the anomaly a lot, and probably won't play until it takes place. But I feel we should really think about how we want to go about it.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1439644795][/DOUBLEPOST]I personally advocate for a sector-wide anomaly, or something on a smaller scale.
  8. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I think it should also be taken into consideration that much of this was written before my self imposed hiatus.
    It's up to the rest of Staff to decide how they want to handle the anomaly and the community's input now.
  9. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    The wipe is to make way for our own established lore, hence the formation of different threads to discuss each race. It makes everything become apart of the past with no to really "go back" and get become apart of it again. Things from previous history would become, well, history and memories.
    Not really. The people are the spit-wad. The anomaly is the tube that shoots us out. No one sticks a used spit-wad back into a straw, right? I hope not. That'd be gross.
    Eh. Time is relative. How do we really know what time it is anywhere? Think like Cast Away. You get stranded on an deserted island with nothing to tell time. You start to mark time yourself based on what you see. Things like these are just a choice.The people are like Tom Hanks and the place they get moved to is the deserted island.
    Think of the spit wad again. Except it breaks up because otherwise people would be inside of people and that would make people uncomfortable.
    All matter takes up space, so one piece of matter can't port into another piece of matter. I don't see how it contradicts 7. Kaz is saying that it could be an area already hit by the anomaly that we go to or an area that has yet to be hit by it.
    Time is relative. Think of it like this. I'm sitting in some place where it's 12:00 am midnight with my pal. I get instantly teleported somewhere where it's 12:00 pm. My so-called pal go about his day as if it was normal and so do I. 2 hours pass. My pal gets instantly teleported to me. What time is it?

    Why it'd be 2 pm in my new location! Because I experienced two hours as well. If two hours pass in New Jersey, two hours pass in Japan. If two hours pass at my house, then two hours pass on Mars relative to my house.
    Sometimes it's a choice, pally. If we had everything, the Frontier lore we want can't happen. Antares right now can have people coming in with their own wealth, but the new land would have people coming in with theirs ships luckily or coming in with the building that they were in. At least that's my interpretation.
    What's wrong with having something in common with everyone else? It allows you to get creative with everything else about yourself. Allows you to describe what you've lost and the things you to do to survive/succeed. You'd still have the backstory from Antares made, but then BAM through the anomaly you go. Race starter lore is vague and not very descriptive. If you have to dig into item identifications, that's how you know it's vague. With a formed Antares lore, we can make a story as a community that we can call our own. One that is descriptive, creative, and one that we can be proud to have brought into existence.

    Now, I answered your contradictions above as member, not as staff. They're my interpretations of what you mean and my explanations for each. Although as staff, I think I hammered it out quite well.
    1. Antares Frontier is a sector. (at least that what I've been thinking) And the anomaly is passing through the sector slowly.
    2. Antares is getting decimated by the anomaly. People are getting taken and all that jazz. People and stuff are getting spit out to some other isolated area. But yes.
    3. Black holes can take a person anywhere. Who knows where Antarans will be?
    4. The plan was to move the people, not the sector.
    5. There was no 'no'. Think like a confetti cannon. All the individual confetti strands are people and their starting location inside the cannon is Antares. The confetti is shot out. Some remains. Some doesn't. The ones that don't are the people that are gonna be shot out the next time, and the people out are all strewn about in generally the same area (ignore the weakling misfired people. My analogy isn't perfect). Antares isn't getting moved, the people are.

    I think I explained a decent amount. But remember, I'm answering personally.
  10. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I don't agree with this. Kaz stated that it was pretty much everything, not just people. Check the orginal post first paragraph below.

    Exactly. We're not going to know what time it is. That was my whole point. Our current aspect of time in the cosmos is the stars, and the cosmos it self. Yeah I can see this creating more problems if the Anomaly is galaxy wide as it is suggesting to be.

    No offense but that is not a good counter arguement or point all. I am sure that Kaz never thought of something as stupid as that. Sorry to say. The displacement is not going to be some character in character inception crap.

    That is not what Kaz was saying, please read:

    I get the time is relative to a person but I am talking the general spectrum of time with is what is effected by the cosmos shuffle. He is sayin the is character A is displaced instant it could be a day, month, or year from Character B how was standing in from of Character A at the same instant both where displaced. Plantary time is not the same a spacial time as it would be assumed the a more futuristic civilization uses, like star trek.

    First off, vague (like the CF stater lore)allows for bending, adding, or even more creativity. Secoundly are you as a player going to enjoy new character saying relativiely the same rp, such as. "How did I get here? What happened? I scan/saw some space anomaly, and then a white light and now I am here. Where are we? Etc. Etc. Etc." Hell people were complaining about people using distress calls.... OH WAIT!!!! Guess what is going to happen now? Jeez let me think. Distress calls. In fact that is all every character start will be, if the entire galaxy was effected, not just the sector.

    Orginal question = Is the anomaly being galaxy wide or sector?
    No offense but pretend I am not an idiot. I am fully aware the Antares Frontier is a sector. Also from the data I explained in my last post it seems to me that this anomaly is Galaxy wide. I still not sure where your anwser came from.

    Orginal question = If it is just the sector then is Antares being shunted?
    Reason I asked about the shunting was to see/confirm if it was just the sector being move/displaced to another part of the galaxy, to another, or some where totally different perhaps an other diamention. Hence the isolation that Kaz seems to be going for. I get that there is going to be little of Antare frontier, cause once again I am not a dunce Secondly this was to help clearify if it was just being moved (hence shunted) or being spit wade/confetti cannon.

    Orginal question = If yes then, CF lore will remain as is correct? That also means the Antares will not longer be in the Milky Way right?
    Not sure where you pulled this from. The orginal question was more circling back to a previous question weather or not this anomaly is effect galaxy wide or just sector. Depending on the choice by the staff effects weather or not CF lore remains intact and relative to the server. Also Black Holes are portals. They are "a geometrically defined region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it." Being that humanities limited understanding of them. How about us naive rpers just assume that black holes swallow everything up and nothing ever comes out.

    Orginal question = Was the plan to be in the same galaxy, or move?
    Again slightly confused here. First of the plan I believe is for Kaz to have a valid IC reason to why he has to physically wide the server in RL. The question was (assuming) that if the Anomaly was to effect the sector, was it to keep it still in the Milky Way or some place different. However again if it effects the galaxy this question doesn't me shit (lack of a better word).

    Orginal question = If no then, is the anomaly going to cause Antares to be more like a piece of paper being torn apart and use for spit wages being shoot at a Galaxy map. Right?
    I get the anology which is the same with the whole spit wade one I make. If you're not spit now, you will be later. However Antare IS going to be move, you said it yourself, "Antares is getting decimated by the anomaly." Again Kaz has already stated all matter not just people will be displaced. My question was again "assuming" that the anomaly was going to affect just the sector. Would Antare be displaced among the Milky Way Galaxy, or some where else?

    Okay let me get a bit clear here for the reason for the questions. I honestly don't expect the staff to the answer the questions. They have never been transparent before, I don't believe they will start not. At this point I think of the staff as game developers. They listen and read what we have to say but still do their own thing. Just a personal view, I honestly mean no offense.

    Now the reason I asked is to provide the staff with a bit of food for thought. First is, "Is the anomaly being galaxy wide or sector?" This is a choice as well as a cause and affect. The server wide is going to happen, understandable why. However the staff needs to choose weather it is one or the other. Choosing one will causing other issues to pop up, and affect how new players and previous players characters will be.

    Now that the important choice is out of the way from the first question. The following questions I asked was to refine what effect could the option chosen have.

    More food for thought. I came to this server cause of a reference but also of what this server advertised on various forums boards.

    If I wanted to play whatever race I wanted and not be bound by CF lore. I would have looks some where else then this server. Needless to say Option A is going against what is advertised. I get the need to have server lore, but to wash away what makes this server unique among another server like Serenity. Well....

    My vote is on Option B. Stay with CF Lore and just fill in gaps until they release more lore.
  11. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    As far as I can tell, that is, and always has been, the plan, despite contradictions to the contrary.
  12. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    I kind of feel like I should apologize for starting this, even though I'm not sure I did
  13. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Discussion is always good as long as it remains polite, respectful, and calm.
  14. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    i didn't read aaaaaall of this but like. is there a set date for when this (if it ever) happens?

    because like.i wanna build shit but i dont wanna put such effort for it to be wiped in 3 days from now, hyphotetically speakin
  15. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I think it will take place after the lore of each species is fleshed out more and ready for release. Might be packed together with that to have some uniform transition from the old to the new.
  16. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    We're not really sure. There is a lot we need to set up beforehand, preferably more than the lore, but we want to make sure you guys aren't kept waiting forever.
  17. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Well, maybe atleast when the solid basics are down. Rest can be gradually built upon.
    By base being, required history and sociology bits to get stuff rolling.
  18. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    That's what we're working on atm. Restart may or may not be right after that, as we are still discussing among staff.
  19. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Alrighty, thanks for the update.
  20. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Dude, when this thing rolls in, someone should play a retired elderly person in their mid to late sixties who was displaced from their home while their grandchildren were visiting
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