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Concerns with the RA

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by skipi, Nov 14, 2014.

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  1. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Very well.

    What is the source, if you don't mind?
  2. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Last I checked, it said 'Anonymous Benefactor'. And like, sorry to be that guy, but with past behavior makes me have reservations about that being an actual person or not.
  3. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Joshua. He stopped what he was doing with May in the top of the security building to rush down and right up to me. Then pointed his gun at me and told me I was deported. I ate a flower from the flower bed while standing by myself.
  4. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    One, simply because you have a "concrete source" doesn't mean that source is valid. Considering how much people liked to shit on it in it's day, I'll reference the cigarette company. We did a lot of research into cigarette companies and land value in regards to selling cigarettes. We backed our wealth by saying we "sold cigarettes in other sectors" and you know what the community did, they tore that reasoning to shreds. This isn't because the reasoning was bad reasoning, but it was because the reasoning made no sense in terms of balanced RP.

    I can't just say "Oh look, I just so happened to inherit billions of dollars from my totally existant deceased relative". It doesn't work like that.
  5. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    I uh. Had no idea it was you. And was the one that called you in for being an outcast.
    I honestly wasn't involved with the purchase of the mech. So I have no idea.
    Again, I'm not positive, as I haven't checked with our resident engineer yet. But I know for sure we will not be using them in combat situations.
  6. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    A lot of my concerns with the RA involve the fact that they are simply no fun to play with. They are. for lack of a better word, control freaks. They like being able to tell people what to do. It was something I noticed with the USCM and while you can argue with the fact that it was just IC stuff. Not only was the RP still fun because all conflict was avoided, but they seemed like bullies. Now, again, could be IC but I do believe some points from my In-Depth Analysis of Roleplay and this Server may be relevant.
  7. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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  8. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Again, how can we even trust this? It wouldn't be the first time the RA has said they were going to do something to make themselves less OP and did it anyways.
  9. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    That definitely shouldn't be acceptable.
  10. Sen

    Sen Guest

    And said source DID suddenly RP having a mech. Some member of Talon's Reach who claimed to have lots of resources donated it along with other things, out of the blue.

    I have chat logs if you really want me to dig it up.

    edit: vvv lel, definetly going to dig it up
    edit2: damn it, I don't have them, I think it must have happened on my devel build of my chat logger where I didn't actually log stuff
  11. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    The person is anonymous IC. We know who they are OOC (I don't, I wasn't here for it), but it was indeed an actual character.
  12. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Lets see here... Maybe because I'm the new one in charge. Have proven that I'm willing to change my RP if people point out what I do wrong. And I can personally order the use of the power armor to not be used except for in emergency scenarios? Maybe?

    And there is the matter of you know. Trust.
  13. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Again, how did /they/ get the mech? Is their identity kept secret because their reasoning wouldn't hold up in the end?
  14. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I don't think we even HAVE powerarmor. And if we do, I've never used it.

    Also we ourselves have had to deal with two people with power armor.
    One of which thinks he's an unbeatable tank that withstood a car crash with little more than a dent and three people shooting at it.
  15. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I just kinda feel like things are a bit of a fustercluck as of now.
  16. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    You've given us no reason to trust you. Still, you carry the win mentality by saying you will limit the use of power armor, not remove it entirely. An "emergency" situation is so open to discussion that any soldier could decide that the bar fight was an emergency and use it.

    We might trust you if you haven't already set a dangerous precedent by
    1. Not being able to properly hold up certain arguments
    2. Having this be the /second/ time we've come to you guys about these issues and they /still/ haven't been fixed.

    All I'm saying is, before we can trust you, you might want to give us a reason to trust. We can't just take your word for it.
  17. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Actually, I just said I do not know who the person is OOC, I can't reveal who they are because I do not know. Now, if this person did RP having a mech without a justified means of obtaining it and we accepted it IC as a donation, on behalf of the RA, I am sorry. We may not have looked into the donation as much as we should have OOC, and it seems that it resulted in us acquiring a mech that should not have existed in the first place.
  18. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Felith, I understand you are new to this charge, but you've said yourself you're unaware about the sources and backgrounds of quite a few of these complaints and criticisms. Until concrete facts are on the table trust and compromise are flimsy, because you don't seem to currently know much more than we do.
  19. ASinisterIon

    ASinisterIon New Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I'd just like to say first off, let's check all our sources. This thread was started by Skipi, who many of us can't stand for various reasons. The post immediately following was Jim, who was for the longest time, the only mod Skipi would allow to be present anytime a mod was called. Julius, I have nothing against you, and won't start calling anything out, as I know I don't have all the facts. But if I remember correctly, you were accused of some power gaming moments with your faction as well. I did not follow up on these claims, so I have no idea if they were proven or not. Nor do I really care. Before we started documenting things, we had at least weekly runs to look for resources, and we repurposed most of the buildings on Opp. If I'm understanding correctly, a few of the other buildings were not built by the RA, but the space was sold to others wanting to build a specific type of building. Selling land isn't a bad way to make money. Skipi was banned from Opp because he routinely ignored things that would kill his character until he'd inflicted enough damage, whether it be to surroundings or people. We "hide" behind consent because the Outcasts like to come in and do "lightning strikes" where they magically take care of two manned bunkers, a guard at the beam pad, and a few armed civilians, in seconds, and get away with a hostage, all without suffering any sort of damage. Yes, it's easy to hate the Outcasts seeing as they're an antagonistic group and have caused a lot of harm ICly, but that doesn't mean they're being kinda loose with some of the server rules either. Just like in real life, I'm kept out of the loop on a lot of things, and that hasn't changed with the RA, so I can't mention too many specifics. But I think that most of the claims against us are greatly exaggerated. Also, if you're gonna quote conversations, quote the whole thing, not pieces. Otherwise, it should be assumed you're only showing what makes your side look good, and biased information doesn't win arguments.
  20. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Again, please don't derail the discussion.
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