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Concerns with the RA

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by skipi, Nov 14, 2014.

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  1. Sen

    Sen Guest

    oh, well, that's probably true
  2. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Not to mention the ICIA Security force and Armored Wolves
  3. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    we don't talk about them
  4. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    If we're saying a faction is good based on the amount of time you spend on it, then the ICIA must have been the holy land. Just because you spend time doing something doesn't mean it is good. I remember having to do the financial records, calculate payroll, employee workers for off-planet mines, and even order food from major suppliers. I then had to calculate this all out into my expenses and property tax. After that, I had to go into the registry and check every employee's name.

    And again with the pretentiousness. You seem to be having an issue saying that the RA is at fault here. You mention the old RA, the one that was better instead of the one that was now. You have to realize that they fucked up and stop trying to blame everyone else. Stop claiming that you were realistic and fair when the majority was against you.

    Frankly, I'm glad the RA is gone. A new faction that has a premise other than "big badass military" now has a chance to move in. We have an opportunity to make interesting, non-combatant RP that everyone will find interesting and can enjoy.
  5. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    It's a fact the old RA was a very good faction. It has still held (in my oppinion) best event in server, which record can be read in historical factions. When you have the players, it's possible.

    Okay, I know most will be too lazy to look for it.
  6. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    So wait... People are still arguing about RA, even though Blackfang's Horde drowned Opp in sprouts and caused the survivors to disband?
    #246 John_McFakename, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
  7. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    I think the only reason I dislike the RA is because it turns into this weird private hot pocket RP with a lot of unfounded things.

    More specifically trying to attack, arrest, and kill whoever they can with the most inkling of data, unreasonable sense of economics, extremely advanced tech without an actual team for developing said tech, and the assimilation of mind sets.

    Basically when people join the RA they all become the same character with little variation besides look and speech patterns. Then they separate from the "common rabble" and go into this circle jerk RP in which they are the main characters of the frontier. Then you get attached and become invincible edgey tropes extorting any basic knowledge into highly detailed extrapolated data to help resume their crappy installment of civilization and prolong their characters life.

    TL;DR - The RA is just a repeat of Marathon everything just turns into private RP because you push people away with your OOC mind set.

    Ways to fix this...
    -Liquidate assets to fund the colony.
    -Try not to disclude people. Apparently a lot of characters get turned down for OOC reasoning.
    -Get taken over forcing you to start over.
    -When people try to give you constructive criticism try and act on it instead of arguing over details.
    -Kill of the RA or restart is an option.

    Sorry, my English isn't great so excuse any spelling errors. Tried to keep it short.
  8. Eleven

    Eleven Mädchen in Uniform

    Dec 20, 2013
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    So opportunity fell and most chars are dead. Are you happy now ?
    Anyway the fight of opportunity was quite some fun. And I'd like to thank everyone who participated as floran or defender.
    I'd like to hear anyone's opinion about my rp and how I could improve, I know I'm not the fastes at typing and reading and my grammar is horrible at time. I'd appreciate if anyone had tipps for me.
  9. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    (RA is deded)
  10. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Coming to this incredibly late because of my break/hiatus, but I can't not say anything.

    In regards to exclusivity, I just point at myself and go "Hey, I joined IC'ly when Union was a graveyard and they were the only folks around". Since Chris and Tally, I don't really recall any other outside people looking to come in to the military/political/leadership positions. I just pull a complete blank when trying to think of how we were actively excluding people.

    The resource log is open for all to see, and it can't be forgotten that Opp was an already established location upon arrival. Although it may not have been seen by the general public, IC'ly there was indeed concerns over the sustainability of the city. The orginisation was literally crumbling as Joshua tried to pull it together himself when the old leaders were dead or awol. Most of the equipment was from the prior RA, and it isn't exactly difficult to maintain some infantry armour. I will disclaim that I wasn't really part of the military sector, so a lot of this is just my observations.

    Safety is when nothing happens. The military force on Opp was dedicated to security. When you have a choke point that everyone must pass through, it is not difficult to keep out trouble. When your troops are willing to maintain safety by any means necessary, inhumane acts are performed to enforce the law. From what I saw, nothing didn't actually happen anyways. The thing is that whenever something happened we took steps to ensure it wouldn't happen again. The open beam point became a military checkpoint, temporary barracks were established until we could move in proper equipment (wooden security platforms...absolutely the worst idea ever but they were there until metal was moved in). As much as I know there are players that find joy when they sew destruction, a lot of us found joy when our characters ensured safety.

    Every place does not need to have something for everyone. Even though the ideal is that the universe is all open and jolly, facts are that we are all different people. We like different ways of storytelling, environments, and progression. If you did not like Opp, it is not hard to just leave them alone. You may have legitimate reasons to dislike the RA, but at the same time there are people with legitimate reasons to like it. Unless we're sticking our dick in your pudding, there isn't much of a reason to bicker. A planet which has excellent security does not stop you from stomping somewhere else.

    It seems like on the surface, the RA is unappealing to a lot of people. Coming from the outside and making my way in myself, I can say there is a lot more than you're seeing. You don't get a lot of public interaction because they aren't the sort of people to feel like mingling in a public bar.

    Starting to beat the horse a bit too hard, so I'll pause for someone to respond.
  11. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Opportunity already built, yes. But I had the displeasure of watching and knowing it was being rebuilt OOCly, in aesthetics terms. Even that's a good source of rp for new owners.

    'Man, I don't like how this place looks. When are we going to rebuild it?'

    Stripping it off of resources left back then rebuild to accomodate/satisfy current owners aesthetic standards isn't the best course (Before anyone snaps, me and another player were the only ones most of times in LM, disliking the place ICly for over a month. And there were several times that topic came up.)
  12. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    This thread is sort of pointless now, since the RA is disbanded, almost all the members dead or having left Antares ICly, and Opportunity is overrun by Florans.
  13. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I can agree and disagree with that. There are people who have fun in doing that sort of building, and it is really cool to see what they come up with. At the same time, construction takes construction. I think the staging of development on the beam point (From wooden platforms and sandbags to actual fortification) was handled like building should. I don't think it's awful that it was redesigned basically OOC'ly, but it definitely would have been better to stage the development more.

    As you saw, I never actually thought about that sort of thing. Doesn't bother me personally, but I definitely would be delighted to see building be a process rather than a poof. The only real argument against is that you don't feel like going through all the trouble. That's alright, but RP'ing the process is an absolutely better way.

    I'm not so sure, there are still a lot of unresolved issues. Even though the RA may be "dead", some of it's players are still here. Never hurts to look at the past and figure out what could have been done better. It's when you bicker over how terrible people are for making those mistakes that it gets silly.
  14. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I ha
    i have said a whole lot of times that the RA was at fault, including the Old Guard. Before the faction went on hiatus, the faction was a disaster. Regarding factions, it was a contest of who could cover their power gaming in a thicker veil. However, after we came back, with the faction regulations, I am saying that we did it by the book. There were issues regarding the combat with the RA, but we more often than not talked it out and usually submitted to a loss, which leaves me to question the constant complaint of powergaming (although I don't know what it has been like since I left). While I was around, I followed the faction regulations strictly, although as a leader I will readily admit I probably helped put the Armada on the path it is now. As I have already said what this post summarizes earlier in this thread, I'd like to ask that you stop reading into messages that are not there, and to not assume the worst of me.
  15. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    My only regret with the RA, was not sticking to the Utilitarian Ideology as thoroughly as I would have liked.

    As far as addressing specific posts outlining the RA's flaws. I haven't seen any on this thread that are worth reading. During my time here, I've learned that SBRP's community typically needs a scapegoat. In it's early days, the RA's flaws were overlooked, and I heard nothing but good things about it oocly, while the USCM factions were the server's scapegoat. Then the Armored Wolves became the scapegoat, etc. That being said, I've never really seen much to gain by giving these threads much consideration beyond "Hate thread, neat"

    To elaborate, someone should have cried foul on the RA and a few other factions back in the day, when juggling imaginary numbers of imaginary npcs and imaginary things and imaginary stuff, instead of focusing on the hate threads of the time. It might have been more productive.

    But, moving on to Ravenloft has shown me the differences in the RP communities that I had forgotten. Ravenloft seems to have a lot less ooc drama, and a lot more gritty "pvp" with murders, faction on faction slugfests, permadeaths, maimings, etc. With the drama kept to a minimum. It's almost surreal to see the difference that a mature community makes. GRANTED, some of the lack of drama, is born from the fact that the mechanics support the killing bits.
    #255 DirtyGoblin, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
  16. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

  17. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I'm gonna say here that when I get home from work around 5 pm EST, I'm making a TS group for anyone interested. I would really appreciate people coming into it and telling me what they didn't like about the RA, and offer me a chance to defend the faction, if it merits it. I can make a promise that I will stay civil, and I expect the same. I'm not making the group with the sole purpose of saying everyone is wrong and the RA is flawless. I want to clear up rumors, and learn from mistakes that had gone unnoticed, to help make the server what it could be.
  18. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I'm also available as Jazz Funkington on steam. I would prefer an IM medium, as PMs on the forum are clunky
  19. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    So... lets see how long it takes for history to repeat itself, eh?
    USCM --> USAF --> ICIA --> RA --> ???
    for feliths group, it goes USCM --> USAF --> Isolated --> RA --> ???
    I mean, honestly, every time your faction "dies" or is recreated you all group up together in the end, whether it be new characters or not.
  20. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Not entirely true. A few of us are thinking of going our separate ways since there's no reason to keep us together. I've made two new mains. An engineer to work on Omega, and a merc who's joining Fracture. As far as I know, most of the group is still debating whether what to do.
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