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Concern: Be aware of the 'child doctor'

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Mordaith, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Mordaith

    Mordaith New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -Angran Rust-

    Understood. Clearly I do not understand how you work. I will bear this in mind when weighing your future contributions to discussions. I am just glad we got everything sorted out. Be careful out there, young one, I apologize if I seem to you 'a bad guy', but rest assured my only concern is for the welfare of others.

    Query. I have already been in contact with someone who plans on opening up a Mental Health Facility. Hopefully the case study on Noah will be able to help him, and countless others suffering from Deep Space Abandonment issues.
  2. Lavinda

    Lavinda New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    I don't think I've ever wanted to see a thread locked down so much as this one. I'm done posting here, the StarNet makes me out to be such a horrible person, and I end up paying for it in the end.

    If you have any problems with what I've said, you can just contact me personally.
  3. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    yo that kid noah is good kid wants 2 help n stuff also pretty nice but completely crazy

    once tried to convince yung was mutant

    stood in front of yung and said look im turning into floran

    but never turned into floran

    and yung sat there like "wtf noah" but acted like "haha yes i can see ur floran" because noah kid

    noah thinks can turn into floran

    actually needs a doctor 4 him

    but like, head doctor
  4. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    I am sorry if your head hurts, but you just said something that I don't understand. If you feel well enough could you please explain to me what you mean by "how we work". Is this in reference to you and Noah? And if so, how exactly are you work together and to what ends? Or are you talking about society in general and how things work as a societal structure?

    Someone once said that you can learn something from everyone and I do hope to learn something new and interesting.

    With gratitude,
    Sato Yumi
  5. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    I see that you have just posted that you are done posting here. Please feel free to send a private response to my inquires instead.

    Best wishes,
    Sato Yumi
  6. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    ((That was Omitted, Cause Fire got mad and threatened to ban me, But ash can weight 2000 pounds, And Frost can freeze shit. Totally Legit.))
  7. Crimeariver

    Crimeariver New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    ((Not to be a jerk, but the code of conduct has a rule against custom races (which you could make an argument that a human/floran hybrid is) but there is no rule stated about abilities and augmentations, as long as there is an IC reason))
  8. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    ((My feelings on the matter are very clear, and they go for everyone. That said, I can only act on what I myself or another moderators sees or what is presented to us with verifiable evidence.

    That said, mind your own damn store, if you see a violation that bothers you, just report to a moderator privately and move on. Absence of the moderators swooping down the minute someone does anything wrong is not indicative that is it right. If someone is blatantly violating the code of conduct they will eventually slip and get a talking to.))

    ((There are however, rules against godmodding and being a mary sue/special snowflake, and rules about keeping with the general spirit of the lore. Having super powers in a universe filled with common mortals is a violation of the spirit and the letter of these rules.))
  9. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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  10. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    ((Now I agree with that and I Understand that, But What I don't understand, is why you jumped at me and only me. Ashlyn is a ton and is 10x stronger than a normal human #Notgodmodding

    Frost has freeze powers, and is 25% stronger.
    It's okay cant stand the heat!))
  11. FireDrinker

    FireDrinker Beware, I live!

    Dec 20, 2013
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    ((If you wish to continue this conversation, please take it to a PM. This thread is already derailed to death already.

    If this thread continues to be derailed it will be closed for time to cool off, the derail deleted, and the thread reopened.))
  12. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    [As Sai]

    I've already visited Noah. All I can say is give the kid a break, if you're sincere about helping him out, maybe set up a time to meet with him instead of calling him out on Starnet.
  13. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    I do not believe the intention was to "call him out", rather to seek help for him. Angran is not a professional in a field that would allow him to be of real help to the boy, and by posting this on StarNet it allowed for many things. One, a chance for Noah to find training with a professional. Two, to make people aware of the a potential dangerous situation. Not that the boy should not be commended for his desire to help, however as I learned early in my cooking career, just because you have the desire to make a dish does not mean you have the knowledge or skills to pull it off, but where as I was merely ruining food Noah has the potential to be be ruining health. Like the type I managed to bake a cake without the salt, it looked fine but was actually terrible, just because he managed to fix the overlaying problem does not mean that he did not do harm else where. And finally, three, Because of this posting we have also discovered that Noah is suffering mentally, and we can now see that the poor boy can get some help. A tomato plant covered with bugs needs to be tended with, if ignored the bugs will cause harm to the other plants and the tomatoes will never get a chance to go, but if cared for the plant will flourish and produce great bounty.

    Best wishes,
    Sato Yumi
  14. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    *The sender data is too corrupted to read*
    Two accounts of attempted black mail, two accounts of molestation, and one account of attempted molestation by Noah, within two days. Yeeeup. Real great guy that Noah.
    Real good at it too. Note the sarcasm.
    #114 Weavle105, Mar 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2014
  15. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Aradin -

    I repent my earlier statement, I believe that is enough to distray me from helping him, please arrest this man.
  16. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    *Corrupted user data*
    Ahh, yes, I shall say this as I feel it would be fair were I to not; He did stop himself during both of the blackmail attempts -the second attempt was paired with the attempted molestation-, as during the first one, he just couldn't bring himself to hurt her. And the victim could've easily obliterated him, and, paired with her I.E.D., I feel there is a chance he may not have taken the uncharacteristically passive requests to stop seriously. On the other hand, previous to the second molestation attempt, it was revealed that he had brought back horrific memories with his first attempt, and I doubt he had forgotten that, as the second case was one day later. Some of this may also have been a result of what seemed like blackmail towards him at the time as well.

    In other news.
    Quite frankly, I find one who often induces suicidal thoughts in others, as mentally unstable as they are, and whether or not it was intentional, to be a threat to others. I realize these quotes may be a tad aged, but that does not change the intentions of them.
    I find that quote quite humorous.
    #116 Weavle105, Mar 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2014
  17. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    You're full of a lot of crazy sadistic shit aren't you?
  18. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    *Corrupted user data*
    Yes, unfortunately, but I keep the bullshit part to myself. I sincerely doubt your intentions are good for the most part. who ever reads this may call it like they see it. If they see it as bullshit, that is fine. If they see it as truthful, that is fine. In the meantime, I have things to do.
  19. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Sadly they can't be sure, so they'll have to go off of what they feel like believing.
  20. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Met him. My opinion? Rich kid doesn't want to listen, and there's that.
    Doesn't change my stance on how he needs proper medical knowledge before attempting anything, though.
    He tried to get me new specs. I knew better. : -)
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