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Can Florans go through Speech/Accent Theraphy?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by InvaderCristi, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Have fun trying to change a rule. And beating back the greater population of the server.
  2. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Rules are subject to change as things come to light, and this is no different than the admins having to emphasize consent rules regarding Slavers and Slavery.
  3. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Rule changes are usually majority vote and good luck with that.
  4. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Whether or not the game says a Floran can speak without a hiss, we have decided that we do not want that on our server. The staff team makes an effort to stay up to date on the information on the game, and we attempt to work within or around the boundaries that sets for us. The Floran on the Outpost is not news to us.

    Do not play your Florans without their hiss. That is explicitly stated in the rules, and is not privy solely to whatever player's interpretation.

    Addendum: If you do not want to account for a certain race's attributes in your character, why bother playing that race?
  5. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    That's a Logical Fallacy: Argument to Moderation. If you answer a reasonable proposition with an unreasonable one, the middle-ground is not automatically the one that will magically solve all the problems. You have to properly weigh the alternatives as well as how many people are affected positively and negatively by each proposal.

    Not stepping into the argument of the Floran, but claiming you have a right to a middle ground is not feasible.
  6. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I'm not sure how this factors into moderator decision. Putting a hammer down and giving an rather opinionated judgement about regulating a character's voice is a bit sketchy, if not over the top.

    As it's widely interpreted, not only starbound art threads but also other forms of art, florans are seen to have more complex mouths than just two teeth. See here: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130506030651/starboundgame/images/2/24/Floran.gif

    As we can see in the gif, the floran is shown as having MANY teeth. With this their mouth structure can be more complex than left to interpretation. I understand it is a good thing to cut down on the specialization of such characters because of how over the top they have been in the past, but to ban a form of speech indefinitely is restricting people's ability to roleplay properly.

    You can absolutely disregard my own roleplay style, but my floran characters usually have a lisp, however my recent one does not have an extreme list and works actively to correct their language in the presence of other people. If you consider it, a floran after a great deal of time could learn to replicate noises to fit normal words. However this would be something that would be good to work towards, like spending a good deal of time getting language lessons or practicing in the roleplay. Someone creating a floran that instantly speaks perfect speech would be like someone walking in who's a millionaire or a cyborg enhanced bounty hunter, etc.

    Also, buttrubbing totally canon! Oh bby those floran butts!
  7. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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  8. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Alright, my opinion time.

    Florans have mouths that compromise of no lips, only teeth and presumably humanoid gums and other systems. I want everyone reading this to try a pull back their lips and say a few words that include s. You get a lisp, see? While surgical procedure would be possible to sew on lip-like skin masses, it is doubtful anyone would take a chance on floran to do so, especially in Antares. But, meh, anything can happen that stays within the boundaries of the rules, but in my opinion, why play a floran if you wont play the race properly?
  9. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Sorry but this is an incredibly dumb rule, and I would argue I am one of the biggest proponents of savage florans on the server.

    Floran culture is tribal, savage, brutal. But and the end of the day that is just a culture. They eat people, they stab people. Guess what, there were and are real life cannibal human tribes that cannibalise the bodies of enemy tribes they fought with. However this is obviously not the behaviour of all humans. This is proof that a tribal, vicious, cannibalistic society can exist because of purely cultural reasons. Why cannot it be simply that the behaviour of 99% of the starbound universe's floran is culture?

    Even the hissing player character floran doesn't hiss every word they say in the examine text. Interaction between savage florans and the non-savage florans is a very interesting background for fun rp.

    I do believe that tribal florans characters should always outnumber ''civilised'' floran characters (And before making one you should probably play the server for a bit to check there aren't already enough active ''civilised'' florans characters), but ''civilised'' florans have their place, providing the fact that they are in the minority for their race is an important part of their character. Their ability to lose the cultural hissing is canon.
  10. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    The same reason human characters use outdated Soviet Union lore and aged weapons in their roleplay, and why Glitch attempt to play as if they are entirely robots and not an artificial simulation of organic life..

    Creative Freedom.

    Honestly I think Kazyyk has done a wonderful job with the rules, but just like he had to re-emphasize what was acceptable with Slavery Roleplay, sometimes things need to be modified.. case in point the rules state that Glitch must always speak with prefixes, even though there is lore stating that Glitch do not use prefixes when conversing with other Glitch.


    Currently it states that Floran players do not always have to use a lisp with every sentence, meaning that players CAN roleplay Floran that have a reduced hiss/lisp to show that they are civilized, but as I said before, when tired, angry or upset.. such a hiss/lisp can bleed through.
  11. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    This is actually a misunderstanding. Glitch always speak with prefixes. However, to another glitch, the prefix is kind of automatically translated into whatever tone the glitch is trying to convey. So, a glitch character should always speak the prefix.

    Seriously though. Can we stop this? It really isn't encroaching on your "Creative Freedom" (which is indeed an important aspect of fun RP) to say "you gotta hiss when you talk". It's another thing that make the floran interesting and unique.

    If you want a rule changed, and there are enough players who prefer it changed, take it up with the staff. The rules made by the staff are put there after some thought and consideration. Using lore as a defense is no longer terribly valid because we decided (if I remember correctly) that we as a server would have our own lore, sometimes omitting or tweaking stuff released by chucklefish, such as the aforementioned floran butt rubbing and stuff.

    Lets finish this soon please. It's getting annoying.
  12. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    The soviet union thing is different. That's a Faction, not a racial trait bound by physical incapabilities. The glitch playing as robots. Nononono, those are Androids. Androids are artificial robotic lifeforms that perform servant, combat, or other capabilities, whereas the glitch are artificial robotic lifeforms stuck in the middle/dark ages that seem as humans except they perform many different jobs a day.
  13. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Yet florans talk without hissing in the game so clearly it isn't a physical incapability.
  14. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    My personal opinion on this is that Chucklefish screwed up. They created this incredibly interesting race, giving them these intriguing characteristics, and then what do they do? They introduce a Floran that not only talks like a Human, but acts like one as well. I believe that Floran characters should all use the hiss. I personally don't care if some are refined, well-spoken, classy citizens, but that hiss is part of what makes Florans what they are: Different. I don't see the issue with a Floran hissing, it doesn't restrict any creative freedom, as has been said by Toadkid. I see it as a push towards creativity, use this hiss as part of RP, as an interesting sort of internal conflict. Perhaps this refined Floran hates that they cannot get rid of their hiss. Perhaps this Floran is ashamed of what they are and are reminded of it due to the hiss. Instead of claiming it's restricting your creativity, allow it to bolster your creativity and use it in new ways not thought of before.
  15. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    And that is what this one player is doing, using the lack of hiss in their normal mood and slipping on occasion when they start to dip into their more tribal nature. It is a conflict of what they were taught 'growing up' (as much as a Floran can anyways when they just come out of the pod), and what nature they were born with.

    In my eyes that is creative and wonderful Roleplay, but there are players whom have been harassing those Players over not using the hiss with every sentence they use. While not using the hiss every sentence is NOT against the rules, harassing another Player is.. and it needs to stop.
  16. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Yet that was absolutely -terrible- writing on chucklefish's part. Because that one floran would void many parts of established lore on florans so therefore I assume, considering Antares has chosen to go their own way with lore, the staff have voided the outpost floran due to the pictures of florans published by chucklefish show it should be physically impossible for florans to talk without a lisp.
  17. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    That floran voided NOTHING of floran lore, absolutely nothing.

    Hell the post chucklefish made to announce the existance of florans way back when in 2012 acknowledged that some of them are not tribal savages.

    ''individual Florans have been known to split apart from their society to lead their own lives in isolation or in the solace of other races, at the cost of being cut off from the collective and considered enemies of all flora for good.''

    That was posted by chucklefish in 2012
  18. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    No, because the French flag is blue, white and red, whereas the coloring symbolizes the American flag, red, white, and blue.

    And for another reply to keep this on-topic.
    First of all, I do not condone harassing, and would never do so myself. I do not harass when I do not agree with something. I voice my opinion publicly in a thread such as this one.
  19. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Avians also lack lips. Your arguement is invalid.
  20. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    This thread makes me sad.
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