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Can Florans go through Speech/Accent Theraphy?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by InvaderCristi, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. InvaderCristi

    InvaderCristi New Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    When I say albino I mean she has no pigment, additionally while Floran are plant people every living creature has the capability of receiving an albino trait. It's a gene, albeit a rare one. When the floran became humanoid it is easy to assume that they have the capability to receive this trait.

    Calla is based off of a Callaflower, hence the white color.

    As for the melodramatic comment. To each their own. Not everyone is going to like every character, and the floran at the outpost is more than enough evidence to give me the justification to play this character. I think that the writers know the race more than anyone. So if they can say that there is a floran that can be sophisticated, they can.

    (Also, she is not a princess.)

    You can go on hating the character as much as you wish, but I will not change her to suit your tastes, especially after how much positive feedback I've received from her on the server, and otherwise.

    This applies to the rest of you as well. I like the character, plenty of other characters like the character, and if you don't like her that is fine. I am honestly fine with that, but I am going to keep on playing her, and enjoying playing her for as long as I am able.
    #21 InvaderCristi, Feb 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2015
  2. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    Since you have gone the science route, I shall reply in kind.

    Florans have been stated to draw energy from sunlight, being plant-people this is most likely done by photosynthesis. a molecule critical to this process is chlorophyll, which is a green colour. For a plant to devoid of any colouration at all, it would have to lack chlorophyll, which it requires to survive. While yes, there are flowers that are white, the entire plant is not.

    And I never said they were a princess, only that they acted like one. As for the floran NPC I have already stated my opinion on that matter.
  3. Roshadus

    Roshadus New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    I know I'm a little late to this whole thing. But this is how I play my character Blood-Thorn. He had surgery and years of speech therapy but if he gets angry and agitated he can get quite feral and his hiss will easily come back. The hiss and the feral nature is similar to a humans fight or flight response. From most lore that we have established on florans or at the very least what I have read. The feral and aggressive nature is well second nature to florans and almost like raising large predatory cats. You can raise them to be around humans and raise them to respect human lives. But if you do something to piss them off or to agitate them or go so far as to hit them you have to expect for them to either shirk back or lash out and it seems with most florans the reaction is to fight back.
  4. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Having a Floran without a lisp is against the rules, for those of you here who have said your Floran does not have a lisp.

    My personal thoughts on the matter are that since Florans don't have lips, and their mouth is comprised of two teeth, then they physiologically are incapable of forming some sounds.
  5. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    1. My glitch can speak normally because he has been reprogrammed.
    2. My floran can speak normally because he has gone through intense therapy.
    3. My floran is completely civilized and has no violent tendencies whatsoever because he has been raised among glitch.
    4. My hylotl can connect with the astral plane and heal people with it because he has focused his mind for years and meditated day and night.
    5. My avian is super edgy and bleeds blood and hates light and is indestructible because he is actually a shadow avian.
    6. My novakid is actually really smart and loves engineering and science and doesnt lose interest in things that arent immediately exciting because hes different.
    7. My apex (or human, I forgot) is only 16 and is a genius doctor and surgeon and can operate on every species and has massive amounts of wealth because he had a dark childhood and has been trained from childhood to do all these things.

    I have actually seen all of these and more some time or another on the server. The only one remotely acceptable would be number 2, and thats just because one floran out of however many trillions are out there happened to be a special snowflake in the lore. I'm obviously talking about Greenfinger. (I think his name is greenfinger at least). The rest are either A) Looking like one race and being another, or B) Hilariously laughable for the massive amount of ridiculous space magic or asspullery.

    Granted, the populations of each race are not all copies of each other. There will be some variation. But it just isn't good RP to play a novapex, humaglitch or floravian. Special snowflakes exist, but it isn't a good idea to make them too special if you know what I mean. Consistency is important.

    I always encourage creativity with character creation, and if you try, you can find a lot of room for creativity within the bounds of your race. But it gets a little iffy if you start pushing against rules or lore.
  6. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    OP vs. Thread
    A lot of us have reached the same conclusions and OP is staying adamant to the character. It's good that you do want to stick with your character, but the community is remarkably anal about the rules and lore adherence. Something that's pretty much a given when you play in anything roleplay related for a long enough time.
    I don't think anyone is making a real personal attack against you or trying to destroy your character. Just understand that changing different aspects of a race can really set people off. Toad is right though. Those examples have happened and are sometimes made fun of. Like the shadow avian or the 16 year old prodigy apex doctor dude.
    Greenfinger is spot on though. He was a really rare case of Floran intelligence and could clearly speak English. The more rare something is in lore, the more it becomes regulated in use in roleplay.
  7. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Look, I'm not trying to be defiant or difficult or claim I have something that violates the rules or anything, I'm just really curious about something here.

    Where in the rules does it explicitly state Florans are not permitted to not have a lisp? I swear I've gone over the server's rules several times, but it seems I've missed this one specific bit here...
  8. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    5) Lore Adherence
    It's your responsibility as a player to know the lore behind the race you're playing. Florans have a natural lisp, for example. While you don't have to use the lisp for every single sentence, it's expected that you roleplay your racial characters with their appropriate quirks and culture history. Use common sense on this one. Every Glitch prefixes their dialogue, but not every Avian was raised in Avian society. There are some quirks that are flexible, and others that aren't.
  9. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Oh... clearly I'm a blind idiot, then. Thx.
  10. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    And I think the developers of the game would know better than the players about what the races are capable of.

    There is a Floran that does not have any hiss or lisp in the Outpost, and they knowingly put that there and have not patched it out, meaning that it was fully intended. This proves as a fact that a Floran, just like a Human, can overcome any speech impediment they have if enough time is taken to better themselves.
  11. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I'm not sure if I can trust the chucklefish devs that confirmed this.
  12. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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  13. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Didn't we have a discussion about lore? Like, whether we would stick to whatever batcrap the developers made up about the lore or whether we should make our own lore? I could have sworn there was a vote or something when the big update came.
  14. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Yes I'm sure I saw something like that too. Also I do believe that Antares carries it's own lore. Must be there somewhere deep in the archive.
  15. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    I would believe this if they stuck to some sort of consistency. There are multiple lore codices referring to the monumental event that a floran did something unheard of and wrote a book, even then it was a barely legible rant about floran superiority and how much they hate the Hylotl. Adding the floran scholar npc in the most recent update goes against so much of their already established lore, the only way I can see it making sense is that there was a lack of communication in the dev team.

    Alternatively, if it is intentional, then it's just poor writing on CF's part. Do you really want to base your character off one of the poorest examples of character writing in the game?

    Either way, using the scholar npc as an example is cherrypicking, to accept it as canon is to reject a wealth of other lore.
  16. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    I conducted a forum search and went through ten pages of results that included every post that included the word lore in it, and it went back as far as July 31st, there was no such thing.

    You are rejecting the very creativity that the Developers of the game are implementing into their own game in favor of your own biased and stereotypical view of what you alone consider 'is acceptable'. Your opinion means nothing compared to that of the actual Creators of the game. If they put something in, it is canon.. no matter how silly you think it is.

    People are going to have to accept the fact that their views on lore are not canon if the developers add something in over something that the players ASSUMED to begin with.
  17. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I said I believe there was one, I didn't exactly point out that it ever existed. People can have fuzzy minds you know, but regardless, back to the original point.

    -It's one thing to be a floran, with a conflicting past, present and future, due to its natural urges for hunting and steb-steb. Nothing can be completely and fully change even with 'therapy'. A lot of veterans with PTSD have therapy, but they themselves say that you can never truly erase something like that out of your mind. And if it's something that comes naturally to you, like the floran lisp, you'd expect to develop a bit of a mental issue due to the fact that people ridicule you for it and you have been forced and pressed to change it over the years even when it's a part of you.

    I don't see any of that here. Just, like Kirby Teh Pink said, a melodramatic albino floran.

    -And another to be a plantsuit, -meaning a character that has no correlation whatsoever to the way a floran might act, civilized or not since it can still feel the urges, and still has a different mouth shape and hisses, and forgoing all of its lore (scholar npc notwithstanding) and culture.- which acts like british royalty and bakes cakes.
  18. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    I am not rejecting creativity, I am encouraging it. Having created a race with interesting quirks, traditions, social structure, etc. is creative, having some kind of internal struggle with some members of that race rejecting it's ideals and/or attempting to integrate into other cultures is an interesting dynamic.

    However, writing in that said race can assimilate COMPLETELY and remove ALL aspects of their previous culture isn't interesting, it isn't creative, it's just lazy writing. Rather than present an interesting and realistic "assimilated floran" they just wrote a character that acts, walks and talks like a human, something I'm sure we've all seen many times before.

    I know CF can write better than this, because they have, and I'm just annoyed that people are going to use what is in my opinion the worst example of CF's writing as the basis of their characters, because I know people can do better.
  19. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    And the problem is this is where you all are misinformed. You are taking a SUPERFICIAL view of a character and not attempting to look deeper into it. The Floran I have seen HAS troubles with keeping herself in control, especially concerning meat. This player is not saying that they are completely refined to the point that they are 'like british royalty', but that they have been molded to adhere a civilized routine that they may very well not be able to continue to stick to as they remain in the Frontier.

    They are allowing room for folly, you all are attempting to enforce a stereotype that has been proving wrong by the Developers.

    All in all, the Player themselves is putting a lot of their character development into the hands of the community, starting out as something beautiful and pristine. In the end that may not be the case.
  20. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    And yet that is simply just not the case.

    Again people are taking something out of context and running off with it.

    We just need to focus on one simple fact; a Floran can speak without a hiss, and there is proof of it within the game.

    That is all we know about said Floran, it shows that they can somewhat acclimate themselves to civilization.. we know nothing of their life beyond what we can see. For all we know, said Floran is possibly heavily scrutinized by both fleshy and planty races, and perhaps even an outcast to the Floran. For all we know.. that Floran could still have primal urges that he has to fight on a daily basis. The beauty of it is.. we do not know..

    .. but in the end, we should always strive for the MIDDLE GROUND, and in this case the middle ground that I have stated since I first started posting in this thread;

    'It stands within reason that a Floran, if they undergo enough education, training or even have speciaized surgery.. should be able to remove their hiss/lisp, but will probably slip every so often and start doing so from time to time- especially when angry or tired.'
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