Looks like someone discovered what a CTF is in here. Time to get my tenth grade computer science on. In other news, for people infinitely smarter than I am, that last picture's white holes are transparent, and I tried overlaying it on all the other pictures. Nothing interesting. - Johnson
Neat. Okay, so say StarNet Tough-guy is being serious. Let's play the guessing game of who and what he'll kaboom first. -B.B.
"I'll let someone else solve this one. I'll give you a hint though. If analyzed closely enough the lines in the picture match the symbol in the picture above, the white lines in the picture are each of a different type, and if lined up properly create the symbol in the background and leave holes in the image itself." -Char
I deciphered the code, it turns out the terrorist wants Billy Cosby to feed him pudding-pops while signing in a drunken state. He has three hostages, two of them Florans and a Hylotl. We shouldn't comply with him, stick it out and watch as he is sad and doesn't get the Cosby.
Way to lie. I -actually- deciphered the code. After Long, arduous time working it out, it just turns out he wants nothing less than some tree-fiddy. -B.B.
Hylotl television is now spawning angsty teenagers on StarNet like this? As if it wasn't rubbish enough. -Sindri
i agree hylotl television blows compared to what humans watch, i don't kno what they find in that stuff so appealing -Teddykins654(Teddy)
To those who haven't yet solved the third code, I would advise you to take another look at the image above the lined cypher. After you rearrange the bottom image so that there are no unbroken lines, adjust the contrast on the top image to see secret letters.
Floran know that it was the one human who beam down without arm, eyes, other wannabe Traptooth symptom. - Crowliss