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Astora's dusty old tome

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Dreganius, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    *The following entry is written slightly differently, a little more angular, but otherwise still mostly Astora's handwriting*
    Entry #76

    And so, I have died. My flesh failed me a final time, as an electrical current passed up my shield arm, jumping from my shoulder, through my heart, to my sword-arm, and down the blade, which was firmly lodged in Faversae's throat. There is little more I remember, before blacking out. None of which I care to elaborate on here.

    When I next came to, I was no longer of flesh, of blood. I was truly metal. And now I am whole once more. I am as I always should have been.
  2. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #77

    Faversae is still alive. Somehow. She kidnapped a visitor of Taranis, and attempted to fly away. The Templar caught her in a tractor beam and locked down her ship. She refused to be reasonable, and began to shock her prisoner. So, I ordered the Templar to scan for lifesigns and slice the ship in half with the ship-to-ship glaive beam. Both Faversae and the hylotl prisoner she took were vacuumed into space, and the Hylotl was safely beamed to the Templar, and back down to Taranis. The Templar obliterated Faversae. Yet I somewhat doubt that is the last we will be seeing of her. I would find out exactly how to be rid of her, to forfend further unpleasantries.

    I am glad to be rid of the flesh; I am no longer fainéant. Although... I have not seen VI.ola since my expiry. She has not been in mine bedchambers, and not in her own, at least that I know of. It has only been one day, yet I miss her mere presence.
  3. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #78

    As I suspected, Faversae once more attacked an innocent visitor of Taranis. Oddly, she picked the arms dealer we had just ordered a shipment of Needlers from, for the Floran Tribe to make use of. He was left beaten and bloodied at the landing point, but was alive. Barely. I've seeked out Pan. She seems to put great emphasis on the need to capture one of these remote-controlled Faversae clones in order to be able to find the real Faversae. Easier said than done, I would assume. Perhaps we can lay a trap of sorts.

    I dueled the new soldier, Minato, today. He could not break through my guard, and thus I should train him on that further. However, I was curious as to how strong he was, so I let him through my guard for a single attack, and... Well, the force was adequate to ruin a fair few servo-motors and put me into a shutdown state for ten minutes. Should he be fighting an opponent without a shield, I dare say he will likely succeed. I feel as though he requires further training to combat shield techniques, however.
  4. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #79

    Things have been rather quiet. Faversae is in our custody, most of the threats to our wellbeing have been nullified. I have had much time to ponder life, to think of what it is I truly want. And I have decided. I wish to look into disconnecting Taranis from the USDC, for they have proven that they lack virtue and action. I wish to denounce the Relzurautt Armada for their incredibly rude behaviour and disrespect to those we consider our friends. I wish to act on making amends with SharpTooth, and to put aside any hostilities I feel towards her, and address any she returns.

    And... I wish to be wed to VI.ola. To hold her hand in proper courtship. For her to be my lady, truly. I will Knight her first, yes... And as she rises from her knees to accept Knighthood, I will then drop to mine own to propose. Perhaps someday, I can have an heir of my own, with her. But for now, I am content to be hers.
  5. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #80

    Praise the Sun, she said yes! Ahhh I have not felt so glorious, so rapturous, so radiant in my life... My heart burns with the passion of ten thousand stars, it warms my very soul. We will wed on the morrow. We want it small, especially after the events of the Ball. John shall be my Best Man, Phoenix the bridesmaid, and Charcoal shall make the proclamation of marriage. It is unlikely that SharpTooth will attend due to her injuries. I am somewhat thankful; I am unsure if Vi would be comfortable with her presence. Either way, it matters not. It will be a blessed day of joy.
  6. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #81

    What a truly magical evening... Our espousal complete, I feel so grossly incandescent. My very soul glows a light which I cannot truly elucidate, and I am... complete. It is as though a part of me that I never knew missing is now fulfilled. Alas, enough writing for now. Vi is calling me to bed.
  7. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #82

    We have decided to honeymoon, explore the stars, see the sights the universe has to offer. Perhaps this will satiate her desire to see more than the lives we have grown so accustomed to. I must admit, I too am eager to voyage into yonder stars and discover new things. We depart on the morrow. I must tell John the news.
  8. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #83

    Ah, the day has been so tiring... I feel as though each day-cycle of this vacation will be as such, more so than the cycle before it. Perhaps 'twould be best to merely anthologize all the experiences we have had, and will have over this week, into one journal entry upon my return. I look forward to the coming five days with a great fondness.
  9. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #84

    I must remember to speak to John regarding my concerns of the USDC upon my return.

    (A small sketch of a sun is drawn underneath this entry)
  10. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #85

    I return to find John and SharpTooth imprisoned, Ser Zeratul killed, and most of Taranis in an uproar over the USCM's arrest of John and Sharp... Yet they attacked a visitor and cut off his arm. Absolutely despicable behaviour. They truly deserved the imprisonment. I pulled all the strings I could to get John out, but Sharp... There is no hope for her anymore. Perhaps a few years at Crater's End will do her good.

    Now to fix up the REST of this sun-damned mess. I can't even go away for a honeymoon without Taranis falling apart...
  11. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #86

    John is moping about... He cannot seem to stop thinking about SharpTooth. He has lived five hundred years thus far, yet I have never seen him so depressed. As much as I hate to do this... I must speak with the USDC about shortening SharpTooth's detention span.

    I just hope this mess does not affect Altan. I wish to offer him the brighest, most illuminated future a father can offer.
  12. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #87

    I fought John in the arena. Disarmed him, quite literally. Then took mine hand to his faceplate and spoke to him in a way only a brother can. He will see the light once more, soon.

    Altan challenged Ser Zeratul in the arena, for a Knighthood trial. He does his mother and I proud. I hear he took a cleave at Ser Zeratul's head, and amidst an attack by his opponent, pressed the advantage and performed a counter-attack, a second cleave, taking Ser Zeratul's head clean off. He seems to credit his combat subroutine. I do not yet have the heart to tell him that the subroutine only gives him the information of my combat experiences, it does not apply them to him. It is truly he whom is making use of it.

    The Crusaders are all but operational now, and I am beginning to look for recruits for mine Warband. Avi and Zeratul spring to mind, I will discuss matters with them shortly.

    I truly miss VI.ola. I will contact her this eve.
  13. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #88

    ...And just like that, the light of my life... Is gone...
  14. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #89

    The construction of Forgeworld Gryphon has begun. Ground has been broken, and mining operations are underway. I will look into hiring additional help. The sooner Gryphon is turned into the industrial forgeworld we require it to be, the Order can begin its expansion in full.

    I visited VI.ola's room today... I do not know why I did, as I knew such a venture would only end it sadness. Yet I did, anyway. I discovered a large golden pendant she left there. It is a somewhat short cylinder shape, with two small, half-spherical tips against the chamfered edges. It fits snugly in my palm, and has quite some weight to it. I wonder...
  15. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #90

    I had An-DRE craft me a new weapon. The blade alone is almost taller than I, and I will need to get used to wielding a truly gigantic two-handed sword of this nature, but... VI.ola's pendant has been installed as the weapon's pommel, so she may continue to fight by my side, as she would have wished to have done were she still with us... I do not believe I will ever give up hope that she is still out there, somewhere. That she may someday return to me.
  16. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #91

    In this lonely place, bathed in silence, and thoughts of you...
    I can't see your face, but I'm trying, to envision you...
    So are you really out there, are you alive, with memories?
    Of the man who hasn't let go, whose heart will never be at ease?
  17. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #92

    We listen to the tales and romanticize, how we follow the path of the hero.
    Boast about the day when the rivers overrun, and of how we shall rise to the height of our halos.
    Listen to the tales as we all rationalize our way into the arms of the savior.
    Feigning all the trials and the tribulations, none of us have actually been there...

    Not like you.

    Who amongst us could deny,
    you were the one who illuminated my sky?
    You are my own little piece of the goddess divine,
    And our son, this little light of mine,
    a gift you passed on to me, I shall let it shine,
    to guide you safely on your way...

    Your way home.
  18. Dreganius

    Dreganius Dearly Departed

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Entry #93

    Altan is hospitalised... He returned to Taranis missing everything from the waist down, his visor smashed, and a bullet in his shoulder. He was leaking vital fluids and coolant profusely. Or, so John tells me. Apparently, an incident at the Wolves' Den. John is investigating the incident. I am simply too concerned of Altan's wellbeing to deal with those matters. I appreciate John's assistance in this... I just hope he can be tactful for once.

    It is enough grief already to lose VI.ola.... I cannot lose another...