Vanilla mods are allowed on the server. Mods that do not introduced custom assets such as armor, weapons, race, textures, or blocks. Mods such such as Extended Chat, Reno's Sit Mod, Better Avians, Antares Crafting Mod, and the like are allowed. Basically, if you got a question about which mods you can use, just send a message to staff and we'll check to see if it will or will not crash the server.
Hello what about this mod? It's adding a few music files to play on the instruments.
That's fine, sure. Mods that add .abc files to be played on instruments are perfectly fine, those are entirely clientside and don't affect the server.
Not in the slightest. If push comes to shove we can always compile a new mod list of things and such when we find stuff we like/need. I know we already found a few. I have none of their links though