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An Introduction to Humanity

Discussion in 'Human' started by L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016.

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  1. L.O.R.I.E.

    L.O.R.I.E. Lil Ole' Record & Info Editor

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Human history up to this point has been a particularly bumpy road, with plentiful amounts of warring, scientific progress, and change. Fortunately humanity was able to avoid simply nuking each other out of existence in the early years, before an orbital defence grid around Earth was established, ending the threat of nuclear war altogether. In turn, the conflicts to come between nations were especially protracted. Many nations banded together to combine resources and military might, deterring would-be invaders and allowing for greater technological progression, whilst other alliances splintered and ultimately resulted in great turmoil. Humans were eventually able to colonize the planets in their home system, and even branch out to the surrounding systems with the discovery of Erchius, an exotic matter with curious properties. It was not without bloodshed of course, the resource wars and the tentacle catastrophe dealt a severe blow to humanity’s strength as a species.

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    Human culture is extremely varied amongst the different races and ethnicities that make it up, meaning that as a whole it is not uniform. Despite this, they are typically viewed as a civilized species by the other inhabitants of the milky way. Just as the varieties of ethnicity and race are vast, so are the religions and systems of belief, humans as a whole do not believe in any one God or set of deities. At the same time, most of humanity has diverted their attention to scientific advancement and industrial progress, setting aside religious enlightenment, though not to the degree the Apex have taken it. Holidays are still celebrated, media still holds a decent amount of influence, artistic works and music are still produced, albeit in fewer numbers than before.


    Human society of all things has not changed too drastically over the years, as a species they have only recently united under one banner, the banner of the United Systems, and this alliance is only as strong as the people maintaining it. The hits that were taken on Earth have left humanity’s economy weakened, but it is still growing with the United Systems’ deliberate efforts to expand it, including more open trade with outsider species willing to engage in it (barring Florans and the MiniKnog.) The fractured nature of humanity’s current situation means that as a whole, their societies are not always unified, in spite of the United Systems being their dominant power. Independent corporations are a prime example of money taking priority over mutual benefit and the never-ending human greed, as they continue serving the highest bidder, foreign and domestic.

    The United Systems

    The United Systems had humble beginnings as a simple union of space-faring nations that would bolster colonisation efforts of other planets. However, as the Resource Wars began, it broke from its tradition and became a colonial power that distanced itself from Terran conflicts. Upon the destruction of Earth, it accepted the refugees of Earth with welcoming arms, upon the condition that they abide by the Systems’ rules. Soon, the remnants of the governments of Earth integrated with that of the United Systems’, and it became a well oiled machine of a government that stood for the persistence of Humanity and the might of the people.

    Humans are arguably the most balanced in terms of physiology, as they can accomplish most things the other races can to an equivalent degree or better. They are the jack of all trades, masters of few.
    • They grow to an average of 6’ for males and for 5’6” females, at the age of maturity.
    • They typically reach the age of physical maturity at 16-17 for males and 15-17 for females.
    • They have an average life expectancy of (without intervention from medical apparatus) 80 years for males and 87 for females.
    • The build of each human depends heavily on them (their choices on the day to day,) as well as their genetics, resulting in a disparity of strength and weight profiles, along with preferences for food and exercise.
    • They are able to receive cybernetic limb replacements, organic replacements (including reattachment surgeries,) and can be cloned, though all of these take increasing amounts of money, cloning being vastly expensive and circumstantial.
    • They must maintain a stable body temperature, a steady supply of oxygen, a certain volume of blood, as well as a consistent water and nutrition content to survive.
    • They are warm blooded, generating their own body heat.

    Human technological progression has been particularly impressive in the last 400 years, they rival the Hylotl in their level of sophistication. Technology among humans is quite readily available, capable of accomplishing many of the things needed to survive in space, or wage the wars they’re so fond of. Although commonly expensive, many corporations that are human in origin have found themselves a lucrative outlet in the market at large, selling starships of all kinds to the denizens of the milky way. On the homefront, humanity’s offensive military technologies are second only to the MiniKnog’s own, they have pioneered many forms of warfare and warfighting technologies, ranging from exotic chemical weapons to personal infantry weaponry capable of inflicting massive internal trauma.
    #1 L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2016
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