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All Aboard the Wagon! Opinions/Criticism/Hate of Raoul/Loura

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by LaserLlamas, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Yeah don't worry. Don't want to be batman or a protagonist. /Definitely/ don't want to be either. plus I can't go around saying my parents are dead
  2. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I might aswell

    Raoul/Loura at first seamed like a depressed glitch who just wanted to die a proper death, but as the days rolled by I saw less of that, and yea, edgelord. I'll have to agree loura acts like the main character, and we had this talk over skype and I see your point how she's always put into that position. Asa for one wanted to be the spotlight and thats whats getting her killed (literally this time), but when she contacted you and asked to keep a secret, she figured with the added emotions (especially of a female) she would have been a tad kind, considering most of the shit thrown on asa was a giant blame train. (I can elaborate over skype) Obviously she wrong and now shes going to die for the second time (maybe)

    Ill admit, asa might never be able to win a fight with loura, but some times loura seams a tad over powered. Loura is overall a great character and defiantly an image you want to be afraid of. I have no advice for you as becoming the elder seams like a good path to take for loura, and I suggest it. I wish asa could be around to see it, but shes as good as dead.

  3. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Trying to fix out kinks that make her overpowered/seem overpowered, yes. Not gonna let her use the overclocker that was put into her since that seems a bit silly. Would prefer a fight against her being a tough one, yet enjoyable for both parties. Putting down the sword for a bit will at least help somewhat, though I need to work out the other kinks.

    As far as her emotions go, she has to put on a hard shell to keep morale for the others, while on the inside it's just a bomb of emotions waiting to go off. It's a bit more complex than it appears on the outside.
  4. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Sort of like Asa, but she explodes alot easier.
  5. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    If he's not the scientist type at all, he can't exactly "develop tech on the side" can he? I'm not saying he can't be resourceful, eg. Taping two weapons together so they function as one, etc. But developing entire weapon systems from scratch? Pretty sure you have to go to college for that.

    And I can't give specific examples because I don't exactly take special note of what every character says at any given time, but when I think of Raoul, all I can remember if "Badass with superpowers, says cliché lines all the time". The "Torture your soul" line stuck because it was just so ridiculous.
  6. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Hmmm noted. Noted.

    Out of curiosity would it not be impossible for him to have devoted a large portion of time, however, to learning how to make it work and perfect it before implementing it into weaponry? Even still it has some flaws in it that needs fixing. They spent at least 50 years working on it after the person who had assisted them in starting it up perished. It would have finished sooner, however it became a process of tampering with already existing technology and tinkering with what Raoul had.

    As far as badass goes, neeeeever wanted that to happen. At all. Literally kept getting forced into a situation like that just by fighting breaking out at the Den so often. Trying to lean away from any of that now, hence Loura defaulting to Elder, so that she can finally put down the sword and relax for once in her life (hopefully). About the cliche lines it's usually just what comes to mind. Can't even recall when it was that Raoul or Loura had said that.

    As far as superpowers go I'm going to guess you mean the rocket boots and tazer hands. Rocket boots I'm removing since Chronicle brought up a good point with them and that they wouldn't be effective at all. The hands however are basically just a tazer. Same strength as one, and it's probably worse since it drains her battery's energy to use it.

    Many thanks though for pointing out anything. Like I said, trying to do what I can for 'em.
  7. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I know nothing about your character. Can't really give critique in this instance. Also part of personal opinion I really hate this attention/rate character trend thing going on. Maybe if you provided some roleplay elements I could give adequate critique. Unless you'd like me to go off what other people are saying.

    Also.... my character has had a gender change.... >.>..... <.<...... o.o
  8. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Also yeah I'll see what I can do to provide elements.

    Raoul/Loura is essentially a Glitch who has had emotions implemented for maybe about... three, four months? Probably three. Due to not being able to control them quite well they can cause explosive outbursts and cause Loura to be a generally impatient person. Due to this she can be pretty rash. Instead of talking she just might point a sword and say "gtfo" which usually leads to a fight because yeah. Portrays a hard shell on the outside, though not really many know the soft inside she has, delicate if you would. She has to keep a strong attitude and feel about her on the outside to keep morale for the Wolves, while on the inside it's just a ticking bomb, waiting to blow up. Doesn't mean violent explosion, either, there's a lot of pent up sorrow. As far as her expertise is such goes, there's very little knowledge in anything other than blacksmithing, after devoting a lot of time mending his armor and weapons, even experimenting and forging swords. And yes, I guess a bit of an edgelord due to their sadistic nature.
  9. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I find confrontations with people when threats are included to be kind of, comedic? Pointing a sword, or well, a gun does lead to a fight most of the time. Not sure if your character is in the right with their emotional responses, but expect adversity for an attitude. Can only play the emotional boat for so long, something's got to happen, or not :eek: