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A new Avian group!

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Rezima, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    We have the numbers to get things going and start roleplaying soon, but first we need to flesh the group out a bit

    At the moment we have the Avian settlement of Polyhymnia, a verdant and warm planet that is slightly volcanic, located in the alpha sector of the Antares Frontier. They have been recently visited by a small group of emissaries from Avos looking to establish a more pronounced presence in Antares, as well as open up small trade routes with the resident groups and factions of Antares.

    The general populace of the town is flightless, there is a small temple near the residential district, but nothing extravagant. They are a humble people, not looking to convert anyone, but willing to talk about their faith if someone were to ask. The residents of Polyhymnia are primarily craftsmen and builders, stonemasons and carpenters and the like, though there are some farmers and hunters as well.

    The town itself is medium sized, not too small, but not overly huge either, and is full of wide, open air markets and plazas. Structures are mostly carved wood and sandstone, melded together into a traditional Avian style, with some crystal lamps mixed in with the more common torches and braziers.

    So we have a decent base, but we could use a little more detail in some areas, so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, post them here and we will try and add them in as best we can,
  2. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Hey everyone,
    Real quick announcement, since this group is getting a bit of popularity we've decided to do a bit of organization.
    We already have a quasi-roster at the front of this post that gets updated with new members and their forum names/characters they play in the Avian town. We also have a Skype chat just to pass our ideas and information share better so we can work more efficiently together to actually build the colony before we can start RPing on it. This thread is a bit cluttered as it is, so simply send either me or Rez your Skype name and we'll add you to the group.
  3. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I've been wanting to bring back my character Dynan, an avian village leader who's village was burned to the ground by the retched evil Stargazers. If I may bring him into the faction/colony as a normal villager, but maybe a hunter IF YOU NEED ANY, then ty ty ty
  4. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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