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[2/2/2015] Rules Update

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Kazyyk, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Now @Kazyyk , I know I havent been here quite as long as you '13ers, *cough middle of February* but I can honestly say that this is the best server and the best game and the best community I ahve ever had the privalege of attending. I can easily understand how you might and most likely are under all sorts of pressure, both related to the community and also to your actual life. I have never stayed this long with any one game or anything in general. Sure, the server has had some bad times, some slow times, and some tiems where the acid couldve eaten through impervium, but hey, theres a very good reason we have survived as long as we have. Now, no matter how much people might say "If I was on Staff I would bla bla bla" or the like, you people have to admit that the Staff, and Kaz foremost, have done an amazing job supporting to and listening to this community. I'm going to rip from @Diabloshadow (welcome back btw) with:
    This is the basis of pretty much all PR ever. Honestly, I may not agree with every decision you ever made, but as admin I respect your right to make them and will respect whatever decisio you put forth, as I know you are doing what you think is best for the server.
    This is actually the first RP experience I have ever had, as some of you may have noticed if you RPed with me anytime before, like, June, and I am very, very grateful I chose Antares. First impressions leave the deepest mark, and this one was amazing.

    Emotional Rant over, im going to take myself and my bad spelling elsewhere now, g'luck, and g'night.
    *tips bandana*
  2. Diabloshadow

    Diabloshadow Retired Admin

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Not a single one of us could put that any better. Also, yes, yes it is. Very well spoken, and that is exactly what i am talking about. Kaz, has done much much more, and in my eyes, the best admin that has ever been. its late for me, and i need to rest. but let it be said, i agree wholeheartedly with every word of this.

    EDIT: as i was typing Cole's popped up, and yes, another GREAT show of what we all think here. also, i do not think its physically possible to "tip" a bandana....but what do i know! *flails*
  3. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    1. Because some people prefer to play in a setting where people tend to be law abiding, forced or otherwise. The outpost is one place among countless possible locations players have within the universe. It will likely be one of the only locations that will not change from direct player input, so it can be used as a place of stability. This will give people not only a safe place, but the server a well know excessible place for us to establish event hooks from in the future.

    2. If a faction does directly come in play which runs/protects the outpost it will almost certainly be constructed with mod use in mind. That said, it is not there to impose upon players past the safe zone setting. The average player would have little need to interact with it, as the focus is to be on player interactions with one another and not the outpost itself. As mentioned above, players have the universe and all the colonies in it to have roleplay other then what I have mentioned here.
  4. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I'm mixed about this...
    'Safe' and 'Frontier' aren't inherently grouped together, but from an OOC standpoint this could be a place for the less combat prepared characters to flock.

    But having an Outpost anyone can access, from thousands of IC gateways with guaranteed safety does present a few issues. For example: A criminal could hide out there indefinitely, and never be apprehended because they didn't commit crimes IN the Outpost. It also means people are less likely to try and make their own colony due to the fact they can just hop into the Outpost and do whatever.

    If at some point we could start customizing the Outpost, and moving a few of the more annoying NPC's, then it could be a griefer resistant city that could act as a trade hub for Antares' commerce.

    A tiny suggestion on the pacification field to make it more 'realistic': Maybe make it so weapons can't physically make it through the gateway, rather than have borderline magic stop people from shooting each other. Same effect really. Just a suggestion. Don't hit me.
  5. ZeeDubyah

    ZeeDubyah New Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    I feel like an ancient technology that prevents weapons from firing will become more heavily abused than consent rules. I mean, don't get me wrong, a place where you can go and not have to worry whether you're going to be knocked off in the next second or so is great, but giving people the ability to do whatever they want, then run to the safety of the womb that is the Outpost is something that I believe may need to be revisited.

    I would like to think that the Outpost, as a result of the "peaceful" coexistence of the races there, would have either an ever-vigilant security team, or a hyper-advanced security system. Ancient magicks that prevent your gun from firing just seems like more of a hassle when it comes to the humdrum everyday RP that we all take part in.