Separate names with a comma.
(( Moonclaw )) What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven...
Random blink definitely. Who wants a tech that you can't control?
The location has already been set up, the beach built. On the day of the event, I'll contact all participating members filling in the enemy roles...
If needed, I can have some faction members fill in enemy roles. So then, is it settled? 3:30 pm PST?
Is Friday 3:30 pm PST doable?
Friday, 6:30 pm PST?
Entry 12 So since that last entry was rushed, I thought it would be best for me to clarify things a little better. The crew received a distress...
Does anyone have a problem with being online this Thursday?
Entry 11 Rescued Cap'n from a bar fight. Got another idiot over the radio [IMG] Be aware for Cole harris guy
You're sadly mistaken. Not a single pixel was given to either terrorist. - Graveson
Date is being discussed. We need both sides to be ready. Exxon is currently attempting to gather all their members forum accounts to be added to...
Need 1 RedCrest and 1 Sniper.
The glitch is safe. 1st Lieutenant Graveson Commanding Officer of ASO Relzurautt Armada
That is up for them to decide. -Graveson