Separate names with a comma.
Hiya folks, it's me, @Haplap. I've been admin for awhile now. Nearly eight months if I was to be precise. But like the saying goes, what goes up...
With thanks to our friend Apple on the discord (for lack of a forum account), they handed us over some of their mods to enhance the server with...
Mumblings and speculations have begun to spread about the newest location on Station Caelestis. A passerby might overhear some if they listen...
Tired of moving your ship from place to place? No longer, as we've finally made it easier for folks to travel around on the server! [IMG]...
Due to the occupation of Coalition forces on the Coldwell Outpost, public visitation is prohibited from this point on. Do not attempt to visit the...
Hello ladies and gents. You may not be aware, but we recently had a member of staff step down from the team. Obviously, this leaves us with an...
[IMG] Just next to the telepad stands a tall hardlight screen, which seems to display messages. Anyone who bothered with the screen would quickly...
[IMG] Setting On the coasts of Epingi Grasp III, the warm sandy beaches stretch for as far as the eye can see, a gentle surf rolling in from the...
So recently we've been trying to sort out just how energy weapons should function and just how powerful they should be. I crunched some numbers...
[IMG] Coldwell Biomedical Corporation tm Greetings! The Coldwell Corporation has chosen a planet within your local sector to colonize for...
The server will go down for a few hours next Thursday (12/15/16) for maintenance. This should hopefully solve any wonky business the server has...
Heyo. I'll be doing a quick little event on Sunday, probably near fiveish PST. It's no big deal, just a little distress beacon, but I figured i'd...
It's been awhile since we took your feedback and users requested we gather an event team, but we certainly didn't forget about it! The general...
Heya folks! As you're likely aware, our staff team recently had an Admin step down, leaving us with a few new gaps in the team. In order to plug...
Starwatch Media The Sector's largest* media outlet. Blood on the Snow: Berg Bandits? [IMG] Blood stains the ice hours after the shootout on 'The...
Hi-ho folks, it's late at night and I wanna sleep so this will be short, but I wanted to throw something up on the forums so people can take a...
Have you been roleplaying drinking booze without a bottle? Have you been texting without a PDA item? Do you need a grabby hand? Look no further...
[IMG] Looking for a cold drink? Maybe a warm cup of coffee? Maybe you're looking for work or even a place to ski? The Berg is the right...
Very important! The Berg is situated on a planet that will deal cold damage to you if you're not wearing a cold EPP or have a mod that removes it....
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Looking for work? You've come to the right place. Welcome to our contact page. Use the comment section below to...