Separate names with a comma.
***File: log30*** > i've been kind of..... > havent left the bunker in over a week. > pluck i havent left my room in like three days except for...
as the second party this is literally exactly how it goes down
oh you guys play league too its kind of my fave game except starbound : ) i use a different name on it so look up "Dyrus" ill add u i mainly...
***File: log29*** > im reallyl realllyscared > soome stargazeeeer founjdme > he tookmedo hisship there were peopled in the cofffinnes tjeryu...
I'm currently on a 1-2 month international trip - as a result, I'm not going to be ingame nearly as much, if at all. senpai pls forgif me
confirmed, three votes for special snowflake florans rp. make it so. Alternatively, I actually did kind of enjoy Roleplay Server Antares. At...
I'm drawing too. It's pretty gr8. We just drew Josh it's now canon.
me doing an art [IMG]
Yeah, Crow, that's Edgy at 16%. Plagiarism is at 0%. Which is good!
[IMG] so amazingly relevant to recent news
[IMG] i made myself. irl.
P-8 (S) x Jetpack (D) i said it
Back to the important matter at hand. Narf x Narf.
So I did Wren and it was significantly lower than I thought. [IMG] My favourite part, though, was discovering a flaw in the character's...
finally the ultimate struggle of june begins [IMG]