Separate names with a comma.
Log 98 Text Log I have had much needed rest. My head is clear. I do not hear the voices any longer. I feel calm. I haven't felt that for a long...
ayyy, then i do have a character to go to prison RP. i'm in B)
man, playin prison seems lotta fun, but i'm unsure which character I can shove'n there... maybe Scumfin? he's a drug dealer!
trap be ayyyyyy though I say let me do a few more posts to solidify his glory before his face gets riddled with bullets i don't have any other...
i could do one pay me in tf2 hats
traptooth goes w/o sayin' ye can count'm in
Is it just me or is this guy reaaaaally picky.
lazy 4 frame anims, curse theeeeee
15 pix per toilet.
Ain't easy gettin a job, pal. Clean toilets or bust. (ノ・ェ・)ノ
I never said they were functioning toilets.
Tetanus Field's toilets. You'll probably need a hazmat suit.
((Lydia)) I'll pay you to clean toilets. Yes?
((Lydia)) Ayyo what can you DO! ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ
we all know tarl is tryin to make yung his remy
The proportions are actually quite nice!
mfw people diss things they have no idea about