Separate names with a comma.
If you haven't heard of this site already go check it out! Overclocked ReMix is all video game music that people have remixed into some amazing...
I want my bar back :(
[media] Side note: I do not smoke
Nukes x Sen The ship that the server deserves lol
Aiko's bar was wiped when I logged on at noon
Server is up
Has anyone done testing yet to see if this has indeed the wipe problem?
(( :)
This ship may be sailing rather soon >_>
This is not /b nor will it ever be /b. This concept was addressed in a security topic albeit to a greater scale. If someone feels truly insulted...
I am sad. Becuase this is the only picture of Ben being alive... ever.
((Gone untill sunday night around 7pm for national guard drill
If you have not been approved you must wait till you are. Once you are a moderator will send you a private message with the IP.
No, what I was trying to do is give him a chance to impress me so that I might consider hiring him. So far he has not succeeded.
Not really but it is a step in the right direction
I think she was asking something similar to what I was and that is WHY should someone hire you. So far all you have listed is equipment and...
There is no standard galaxy time as each planet in each solar system operates on a different day/night cycle from other planets depending on its...
Honestly that is why the corp I am pushing here won't go last low sec as trying to knock an established alliance off their sov is akin to trying...
Wait, better. Blood x His bar
Mulan because china.