Separate names with a comma.
Crooked shades
Actually, I have an exact way to do that, assuming you have Photoshop or something similar. Open up the asset (lets say the middle piece) of a...
Tree Person
"Ah. Yes. It envelops a large range of technological research including, but not limited to: -Advanced Computing -Cybernetics -Astroengineering...
"Somewhere with a fair amount of people, to be safe. It's a dangerous galaxy, and I'd rather just keep on the safe side of things. Don't want to...
"Of course! Just send in an application to us and we'll take a look at it." -Aedan ((Remeber to use the template for application and include...
"12 unrefined diamond ore for a coffee machine?! It seems like you could honestly buy a coffee machine made of gold or something, with stuff like...
((Just wanting to give this thread a bump. See if newer players might have any interest and the like. :3))
I don't /think/ there is, at least. Then again, I'm not the greatest with the scripting. I could be wrong.
Okay, so my old thread can be found here. However, to avoid performing forum necromancy on it, I'm making a new thread for my new works. Of...
((Locking for forum necromancy. Stop doing it. I've had to lock so many of these threads and made posts just like this. Look at the date of the...
"Oh! If you're going to destroy the place anyways, I could use a good test site for my anti-matter bomb. I still don't fully know how it's gonna...
"Yeahokay. You keep believing that. When the florans overwhelm the settlement, I'll be sitting on the sidelines saying 'I told you so.'" -Aedan
What about an AI that is actually my LIVING MOTHER that somehow had her thoughts transferred into a computer and manifested into the form of a...
"Though, if you honestly believe that, just by being in the colony, florans won't have any thoughts of eating people, I'd like to see that...
"I... what? Are you seriously implying that you are able to do stuff like that? The more I see in this thread, the more I am thinking this entire...
((Moved to Other Roleplay. StarNet General is a Forum, afterall.))
This isn't actually music... BUT STILL [media]
Since my last post, my number of hours played has hit 500, exactly. :D