Separate names with a comma.
We did thorough research and have concluded it is agaran and that it was a failed apex agaran DNA splicing experiment. ((AKA we just read the...
Isn't petal technically a teen mom.
That is the exact thing we thought,it just seems the Minikongs mad thirst for knowledge disregards all safety.
I can assure you sure that it is sadly real if you would like I could even show you.
Yes I believe that too I have a theory that it is related agaran pods.
Recently I was invited by a stranger to observe an anomaly she had found,and what I found was very unsettling to say the least here is what I...
You can sign up my new character muck face. If he does join I can say he survived by scavenging and gnawing at things like pipes.
Do you think you could please do my character Seed-Spreader and please try to illustrate him showing that he's a scaredy cat/pussy. [ATTACH]
With new expansion coming out I was just wondering if anyone else plays the lootfest,Hack and slash Known as Diablo 3 and if so what class do you...
Well I was raised by another race I was raised by apex.
You haven't lived my life have you well let me tell you something would you be afraid of hissing if you're floran tribe abused you and abandoned...
Shut up there is some deep scarring moments that explain my fear of hissing.
I was trying to find some diamonds to make a diamond drill,I couldn't find any until I came upon this place with a sign that said Jewelry I went...
I don't piss my pants everytime I get scared!
You obviously haven't seen how this man interacts with me.
I was looking around for somewhere to beam up when I tripped pretty badly luckily there was a stim merchant in a near by alley now i'm all good...
Do you not get it I don't want to be friends with you, nor do I want to see you.
Are you serious!I'm not sure if you're a psychopath who thinks I like you or if that's a joke or if it's both you need to find help!
I didn't find it pleasant I found it the closest thing to pleasant all say it pretty far compared to the other two encounters I have had with you.
So what you are saying is Approaching someone while holding a shotgun,pinning them up against the edge of a balcony overlooking lava and asking...