Separate names with a comma.
Did you check the asteroid field?
But what motivation would we have to attack the ship it's not like we have any crew members aboard.
You should ask aleski about it he started building it in the first place I only saw it for 3 mins and the server crashed and it got wiped.
Once again the crimson corsair HQ in the making hasn't been restored to the 7:00 pm mountain time reset yesterday or the reset one day before the...
I still need the Crimson Corsair HQ to be restored to yesterdays 7:00 pm mountain time reset X-78 Y10 Alpha Duania 374 VI a
Oh damn I forgot to add for my prior post it is VI a.
I just made a steam group please join If that one doesn't work try this one...
The HQ we were making for the Crimson corsair got wiped I was only their for like 3 mins and I was just looking around X-78,Y10 Alpha Duania 374...
The HQ in the making got wiped :(
Yea that is a better idea.
I would love to help build that also and Idea for how it was acquired because Eyepecker is a pirate that came out of retirement this could have...
Is unknown the name of the character? also this post is OOC.
I mean anyone who draws more than a stick figure when asked to draw a person.
Wait featherleaf is dead!!!
((Captain Eyepecker untraceable.)) I'm just some random guy who know nothing of the incident and I prefer this outcome.
Just a reminder for everyone remember that you're character must join IC'ly by going to aikos bar while Eyepecker is there.
It's aikos bar.
You are supposed to meet captain Eyepecker in Haus Icly.
So I suck at drawing,like downright suck and i'm not sure if there's anyone else that sucks at art so I made this thread with one goal a thread...