Separate names with a comma.
((This is available on Aurelius' person in electronic form, as well as saved to his ship's hard drive.)) I have begun the process of attempting...
Find something to do besides bar RP.
consume for bolbi
all hail bolbi bolbi is love bolbi is life
Wonderful, so now we're going to have a bunch of novakid edgelords killing each other and exploding violently when they do die.
Now I'm picturing a whole race of Jebes.
I don't like the race, but I love the armor. I'm worried the Novakids themselves will just add people being edgy with the new twist of thinking...
Good beer, but also slavery. Justice system includes killing people you don't like. 6/10, would buy cheap drinks again. - Johnson
The issue, of course, is that certain things that would be necessary to follow the game's natural progression make no sense in this RP's...
Name: Ausar Age: 52 Physical Description: [IMG] An aged Avian from Avos. His feathers, once a brilliant green, have faded to some extent, and he...
I'd like to play a member of the envoy, if possible.
Every time I sharpen a pencil the perfect tip breaks as soon as I touch it to any surface. I use mechanical pencils now.
dull you say [img]
That joke was pretty punbearable. You should be punished severely.
pointless you say [img]
If the Avian government ever gets overthrown, can we agree to call it a "chicken coup"? - Johnson
1000 pixels. - Amalfi
Just a short poll to see what kinds of professions people would like to see more of on the server, particularly non-combat ones.
With any luck we'll still have a police force, just not one with no responsibility to the people. Preferably with stun guns.
Of course, assuming that we would actually get enough people in the faction to be able to separate them.