Separate names with a comma.
I've been wanting to upgrade for some time now, so I was wondering if Starbound would run on it. Anyone know?
Context: I manage children at school. I was reading the children's book, 'baby beluga', a song about a small whale that does misc. things. This...
*Harl* *he sits quietly, his hands on his desk, contemplating hunting down the person who did this to him and ripping their intestines out....
*Hans* ((the human one)) A pity. I think I could have saved him, had I met him before this...
((um, is this OOC or IC?)) ((EDIT: oh nevermind I get it. The film was good by the way. No idea what happened for NC to end up like that though.))
*Hans* Ummmm.... who is this Not_Viiker person? he seems to have made a lot of posts recently...
*Hans* Um, there were bombings? Sorry, I haven't been to the frontier for awhile.
*Hans* So you immediately jump to execution? Why not house arrest, for example. She wouldn't be able to harm you on her own planet. I'll admit I'm...
*Hans* I'm sorry, but I can't believe what you said. I refuse to think that anyone is beyond saving. Isn't that the reason you all cling so...
Well... I sorta understand that... But that doesn't mean she's beyond saving, not at all. I mean, no one is hopeless. And I know she's at least...
*Hans* Um, could you not maybe? I mean, she's not all bad, she kept me from going crazy and stuff. You know what, I bet, if you saw her and just...
Oh, yeah, I know. He has a lot of work to be done. Now, about some of your concerns; 1. about the cloning. He backed up his memories on the clone...
About the plant suit thing, one of my characters probably fall into that category, but I was just wondering how bad it is. ok, so, my Floran is...
*hans* Y'know, I'll probably be watching this thread too. Ship's been delayed, so I might as well catch up online. Also, Sharp,(or whoever is in...
*Hans* I get that this whole thing is a bit silly, but it is sort of important that a cure is found. The problem with this disease is that once...
what have I created........
...welp. Um, ok then. Sorta forgot about the hermaphrodite thing.... well thanks for the input, then.
I have noticed that, to my knowledge, there is an interesting dynamic in Floran societies on this server. (this is just based on personal...
*Hans* Ah, ok. I'm not really an expert on this sort of thing, anyway. But, um, good luck with your station.
*Hans* Um, I'm no expert, but that sound really, really expensive, so, um, you should talk to a company about that. Like, a really big company,...