Separate names with a comma.
Your insults don't phase me. Come to Taranis and collect your friends reparations or deal with it yourself. Panzer v2
Your dude refused to cooperate with authorities. Under the suspicion of being Outcasts and dancing around M-X4s questions, I reacted. Aye. I will...
>Records< >Panzer v2< >Antares Log (4)< >>a/v<< . . . >>> "Audio." She commanded plainly, her voice coarse and flat as it typically was. A thump...
Totally agreed. We need villains, but an organized raid ought to be an RP event that local authorities can anticipate OOCly.
>Records< >Panzer v2< >Antares Log (3)< >>a/v<< . . . >>> "Audio. Visual." She commanded, the sound of a machine ratchet whirring loudly as the...
Quit trying to recruit new members OOC, FFPLEASE. :P Welcome to the party, Harte! Anyone ever seen the movie 'Troll'? "PARTY HARDY, HARRY!"
Is this MiniKnog faction still underway?
I'm getting it tomorrow. WE'RE FIGHTING.
Helleer! :D
How do you get such clean lines? Are you using the pen tool?
[IMG] a random chibi JUST CUZ!!! [IMG]
*in my best Borat voice* EES NIICE!!
Dude, your dinosaurs rock! That last one was especially cool.
I'm looking for a place to open a scrap metal yard and foundry. If I might see you and your Talonpoint in the near future, I would speak with you...
Welcome aboard! Who is/are your character(s)? Hope to see you on server! :)
Yeah I agree. I wasn't actually planning on going into detail like this but I just kept going and going lol. Thank you! :)
[IMG] FINALLY GUUH- *collapses in body fluids* I finished this thing after like 20+ hours on and off. Again, her arms are blue because they're...