Separate names with a comma.
Log- 23 Good god, I've really let this thing go downhill. I guess I'm just getting lazy. then again, the last couple of days have been pretty...
>Episode Three *The episode opened with Chat, sitting on his stool and commenting, just like the shows before. "Hey there, Antares! I'd like you...
Ah. We'll be ready in a bit... As soon as I wrangle my associate. -Chit
>Episode Two *The scene opens on Chit, or the announcer, sitting on a stool, the same backdrop as the last episode rests behind him. "Hey there,...
Loss of a limb? With all due respect, isn't it obviously scripted? Of course no real harm was delt to our patron. Do excuse Chat. He tends to take...
Well... It looks like hair. It may not -be- hair, but thats a technicality. -Marx
Log- 22 Crap. I suppose I should actually update this once and a while. I've been quite busy, but keeping records is still important. Most of my...
If you tried to cut my hair, you'd probably burn you hands off. Or it would melt your machine... Good luck! Messy hair for eternity! -Marx
We proudly present... Our first episode. *The shot opens on a rather odd looking figure, dressed in some kind of metal/cloth outfit, with a visor...
Purpose? Well, keeping my friends and loved ones alive is key. My purpose is too make a mark on this world. Preferably a good one. I don't know...
Time here has changed me. Immensely. I've seen incredible things, even wonderful things out here, but a lot of horror here too. I saw more corpses...
You could win fifty thousand pixels! Do you think your brave enough to make it through our hazardous cave? If you believe so, come join us at our...
Log- 021 It has been quite a while. Quite a bit has happened in the last couple weeks. I have much to write about, but for now, I must sleep....
Cultists? Call the exterminators. -Marx
Deliver it at coordinates -161 50, III, ocean planet. There will be pay waiting for you there in a parcel, behind the locked door. I will...
Log- 022 Well, I'm Lazy, so I suppose I'll be writing another double feature today. I have plenty to talk about. First of all, early in...
I would like the Raak. Where do we meet? Thank you. -Marx
It definitely didn't LOOK Agaran. Its skin looked like charcoal. Rocky, kinda. It was weird. Also, I highly advise against eating it. -Marx
Well, if you never wanted to sleep again, maybe. -Marx
Log- 21 I have never been so scared in my life. The day started with a visit to Borks ship. He offered me a security job on some oil facility,...