Separate names with a comma.
Katsssura will never die.
Katsssura agree Kluex should shut up.
.... Felith isss right We should all give ressspect to Katsssura
Katsssura ssstab you Katsssura wins.
Ssstabber is charper than the Blade Katsssura ssstab blade Blade bow to Katsssura while crying and bleeding Katssssura wins.
*hisss* Masssochissst! Katsssura'sss only weakness!
Katsssura stab you.
Katsssura ssstab too many people.
Katsssura isss 99% plant...1% is mouth... Katssura doessn't have a brain Katsssura demand ssstabbing.
...Who caresss...The USCM isss bunch of weaklingsss....Katsssura ssstab ssstab ssstab USCM
Katsssura wish he could help...But katssura isss ssstill waiting....To reach universsse...
Katsssura is bessst truth-teller
Katsssura iss besst photoshopper
Katsssura isss not ssspecial... Jussst the besst.
Katsssura iss besst sspore
Katsssura always firsst...And lassst...At the sssame time.
Katsssura did
Katsssura iss mosst unsssettling
Katsssura isss bessst sscientisst in exisstence...Ssadly katssura ssstill didn't receive autorisssation to jump to thisss universsse...Isss anoying.