Separate names with a comma.
Correct, this is an outlet for a lot of people, Gramps. Hell, I play when i'm stressed, upset, and depressed. I play it so that I can live the...
I really appreciate the feedback. The text is something I've been meaning to get a grasp on for a while. Hopefully, as I make more videos, I get...
I would also like to mention that I am up to letting others help me with this channel
[MEDIA] I would appreciate any constructive criticism you may have on the video. Whether it be the timing, the sound effects(which I personally...
Fair point. Wolves Den.
Honestly, that's more on the nose. I'm cracking down and I'm goign to start firing men who use lethal force without my permission. This isn't the...
Wiring the funds now, sir.
We only arrested you when you started stabbing yourself repeatedly in the arm. Sorry for shooting you with the STUN bullets. We can give you...
This said from the very public leader of the known pirate and bandit group.
*coughs* Your character has never been *cough*))
We have a broadcast station on NC if you need to use it
*Tips fedora while smirking and simultaneously unsheathing my Impervium Shotgun Plasma Stun Chainsaw Katana*
Some of you have probably had limited interaction with a character by the name of Professor George VanVilshingstein. Now, I have played as him...
New Chicago wiped 10:54 PM Central 8/17
[MEDIA] -Julius Mayne
This is Julius Mayne of the ICIA reporting in on the event that took place last night. As we all know Pandora and Vespera were both married last...
[ATTACH] Hello, this is Julius Mayne of the ICIA offering tons of iron ore for anybody who may need them. We produce in bulk so you will have to...
((OOC feedback would also be appreciated))