Separate names with a comma.
((Actually, you're the first to mention this even though I've toiled over it since I made it. In the novel me and lovleess Co-write it's the GCIA,...
((Feel free to leave replies on this thread as well))
Upon request of one or two people, I decided to make something like this on a weekly basis. It didn't seem like too much trouble, but it's...
Julius sat in the office of his new home built on some peaceful planet in the back-water of the Alpha sector. He simply stared at the wall with...
I'm sorry, but that is absolutely hilarious.
I only say this because my colony has been running for months. Unlike the failed funding of Asani. -Julius Mayne
De Death of A city 2: Electric Boogooloo
((Ooh, good ideas.))
Your order has been placed. Your order has been placed. Your order has been placed.
Oh, yes, indeed. I have recently noticed that the citizens of Antares often lack silverware. I sell silverware. Spoons and forks, yes. I was also...
For your sake, I hope you aren't the fucks who blew up the Ehlers building. If the outcasts hired you, I WILL find out. -Julius Mayne
I will place an order for an M16.
Shellton, I have nothing more to say than that I'm sorry you had to live through this. Life, to some, is nothing more than an endless trudge...
[MEDIA] A video I made just for this.
Something I made, please leave feedback. [MEDIA]
You've missed a lot.
Julius looked out to the empty street with a depressed slump in his shoulders. His city was gone, nothing more than a smoldering crater at this...
I know how copyright works. I do appreciate the feedback though. I had some reservations about using the song in the firs tplace but I decided to...
Honestly, I wish I did too. However, nobody would've helped if I just said "LOL want to make a commercial?". No, they wouldn't. However, I hope...
The song choice was one that I had trouble dealing with for some time. Borderlands 2 came out, what two years ago? I had assumed that it would be...