Separate names with a comma.
"Another somewhat pointless thread. But luckily it's light-hearted. All cookies. I have no favourite. Just give me all cookies and we're good."...
All you have to do is say the word, given that you're the OP. Do you wish this locked?
"Entry 10 June 13, 2414 "Only been a few days since my last entry. Not much has been going on. The damage to One Eye's organs have caused the...
It's a nightmare. You've posted here, though! It will now haunt you to your grave! But it's still early for you. You must run! Run like your life...
It's always sad to see someone go. But if you feel that you aren't enjoying things anymore, then it's likely a good idea. Burn out is never a good...
So wait. By "neither male nor female" do you mean a character who was just born as neither? Or... what? I'm a bit lost. Also, yes. Florans are...
"Why not, you know, try talking with Avians that have knowledge of said crystal technology before doing something dumb, like probably killing...
"I imagine because they plan on going into danger zones for whatever experiments they are working on. Though, you know, if this is working on...
[IMG] -PizzaLover445566
Yes. With threads like this, don't just bump it with "Bump". Post something that is relevant to bump it with.
((Axis actually was that entire side of the war. Not just the Nazis.))
((WHen he was gunned down, had you originally given consent to the character's death?))