Separate names with a comma.
I have to say, I am honestly surprised that this sort of behavior has yet to cease in Antares. Did the slave market not die out with Luminaria? -Co3+
Which is why I never brought him back.
I've been there and done that with the evil villainy. I must say one of the most difficult parts is that I find very few people get invested into...
Cool, thanks. Got it working.
I already figured that out Cole. But Aiko said you should change the rotation value to an idle position that doesn't exist so that the original...
I hate to resurrect what would otherwise be a dead thread, but I was messing around with something similar myself, and I just wanted some...
I have interacted with Angel a bit. Your lack of employees does not stem from Angel's actual personality, or really anything I've noticed you do...
It beams a rock to the user. Dunno, seems explainable.
Sitting at his computer, in a very meta way on account of his slaughtering months before, the megalomaniac villain known as the ALMIGHTY OVERSEER...
As someone who played on the sever ages ago, without much serious roleplay since, perhaps my opinion is outdated. I will try to keep it as short...
Skarti is almost cartoonishly dickish. I would recommend checking players for EDGES before interacting with them. Homies ain't used to getting a...
I suppose it is the season of giving.
I've always felt that variance in RP in the server was fine. I remember a time when super serious stuff would blend just fine with the more casual...
I don't remember Skipi, so chances are yes. I would have left around April or May, right as school finished.
The serratus anterior is going to let you pull the scapula forward. Pulling the scapula (shoulder blade) forward basically means that you can...
Well, you have a basic understanding that arm rotation comes from the clavicle and the scapula. That's all you'd need to get the actual prosthetic...
I arranged the cartel, and pulled everyone together, but the cartel was for the most part autonomous. At the end of the day, he was more or less...
Yes yes, thank you all for the warm welcomes. Fro, Node is kaput. That guy was a nerd. You'll just have to enlist one of my equally terrible new...
Man, I don't even know. Who is anyone? Are we all just one connected consciousness? That is probably a better question for a philosopher.
Hey, hi, ho, and yo. I'm back and more than ever. For those of you that don't remember me, hey I'm Node. I played a bunch of dingus characters...