Separate names with a comma.
I'd like this. Hell, I've even already got a System-Name ready for you.
[MEDIA] I frickin' adore this. Specifically because of the video that goes with it, but if you pay attention to it, you will understand why I love it
Well, this has been a long time coming. Congrats Aiko.
[MEDIA] Edit: For those who want something a little more fast paced: [MEDIA]
Done. In about half an hour, I'm gunna be heading to bed, however. So if anyone joins after that, then they're gunna have to manage them selves.
Done. Hell, if you asked, I'd happily Op you too.
Done. Sorry for the wait.
Done. Give it a try.
Try now? Might be case sensitive. I've added both variations.
Done. You're free to join whenever.
Been meaning to switch it for this avatar for a while now. Might do, depending on how difficult it'd be to set it up.
Oh, ICBMs are an integral part, but I can't trust ANYONE with them. That'd just be silly. RP and Trading are being encouraged, so if you feel...
You're darn right it wouldn't. Kaz would destroy me. *POW* *DED*
Hey guys, been a while since I posted something here, huh? Anywhoo, I'm just dropping a little advertisement for my Minecraft server over here....
I consider Bodehn to be somewhere between Darth Vader, The Doctor from Doctor Who (Specifically the Eleventh) and a bit of Marceline from...
A Shrine would be nice. I'll happily make a custom grave-stone using Starcheat to edit the descriptions.
If you could notify me when you've applied for the Whitelist, that'd be great.
Thanks. Once again, welcome aboard.
If you could notify me when you've applied for the whitelist, that'd be great.