Separate names with a comma.
your artstyle is really lovely ahhh these colors everywhere
I like your artstyle a lot she's adorable
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 262 everytime i look in your eyes and im reminded theres so much more to life... where did i put my slurpee
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 259 i cut bear and numi plushies in half, put em on my wall, call that cutexidermy
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 258 my mood right now: turn up turn up turn up turn up turn up turn up
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 257 that fucker ate our contract tho his fate is sealed hahahahaha yung honey entertainement might or might not be a secret...
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 256 lil flop ad libs are tight i rly like that pffffffbttttt sound he makes i think the masses are going to agree with me, with...
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 253 the true meaning of christmas? sure, give me a million pixels and a bottle of hennessy, ill tell u
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 251 what if earth never existed and we all lived in virtual simulations but it stopped working so they had to pull the plugs...
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 244 haha oh wow i tried to walk in the grammies on Sui Omni 47 and they showed me the way out, but they didnt realize im a...
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 241 well yung honey entertainment is going very well, from rags to spurgles, we inspire the youths, lil flop and i, lights,...
JOURNAL LOG ENTRY 239 looking back on my life again like ye im kinda like a big deal B)
Great, always looking for more! Send me an OOC inbox message with infos about your characters so we can see where they'll fit in!
sadly all the budget went in the cover art [IMG] but damn we got a bitchin cover art for this shit
((This sketchbook is hidden in a drawer at La Flame's place. The following characters have easy access to it: Julian Boucher, Watchleaf)) [IMG]
that's all really cute