Separate names with a comma.
I wonder when I should get on again..
Happy birthday me.. Oh wait, no one's around to care.
Liberty mills wiped around 11:12 EST?
I love you too wifey.. ;u;
These are his words, not mine. "Hi everyone, as you know i am the resident shitposter, narfball. as of late my PC has had serious problems and,...
"Drifting at the speed of light." I'm Otsdarva.
This post still exists?.. Well it doesn't matter anymore.
Best. Post. Here.
Uhm.. Shots fired? Atleast your spinal cord isn't all fucked up? Also the fact what you did..
Same. That's enough starnet for one night anyways. G'night/G'morning/G'day!
I appologize. The tone of your message was a tad difficult to read. Like any other attempt at sarcasm on starnet..
This is starnet where every threat must be proven by "violent video's" everyone freaks out about. Plus IT'S SEN! How can you take it seriously?..
Sharp rises to anger.. Now I'm able to wrap my head around this a little better.
-Terra- Oh look more spam from our favourite floran!
-Terra- Typically yes. Sadly though, using scapegoats to try to quell things is something commonly resorted to. I'm pretty sure you're thinking...
I'm used to it for one. And by shit I mean being massively outnumbered.
-Terra- Because shooting sleep darts is the correct way to end a fued.. Come on..
-Terra- First things first. I love how the nerve toxin, sleep dart things are forgotten. Secondly I tend agree with the one who has shit like this...
Thank kindly <3