Separate names with a comma.
(([IMG] ))
>Records< >Panzer v2< >Antares Log (9)< . . . >>> Every populated place needs metal and weapons. A frontier especially will need metal for...
Ray Beluga was not able to help me. I am still looking for a robotics engineer and 3D printer. Panzer v2
I've already opened a metal market here in Antares. I'd like to see your facility and perhaps meet some of your associates. Panzer v2
Changes to the inventory and pricing have been made. See the above ad. Panzer v2
Borish is your name? Borish what is the location of your facility? I'd like to tour it... Panzer v2
I've developed schematics for items I mean to sell, though I do not have the time or machinery to put them together myself. I need a 3D Printer...
There's a handful of people with MiniKnog characters. Please make this happen! The Grey Hand neeeds it!
>Records< >Panzer v2< >Antares Log (8)< . . . >>> I wanted to start these logs to track my progress though I'd be a liar if I said I did this for...
I will start by saying that I do not truly think Gum or Yukari is pro Miniknog. That, I published on Starnet in a fury. I'll say no more on that...
Shit, Gramps... Go spend time with your family, man. <3
Ray, you are too good to be offended by this one. He is a common StarNet maker of discourse. Trust in the loyalty of your companions. Please at...
Ray, I want your support. I want your friendship but if you knew what I've dealt with in Gum I doubt you'd support Yukari as you do. I doubt you'd...
Ray this /tolerance/ of yours is poorly placed. Are you still a Hand? I always saw you as a logical being but if you think MiniKnog is acceptable...
((I can hardly understand what your message implicates. Keep it IC FOR DUUUUUUUCK SAAAAKE!!!))
I was jailed after confronting a member of the MiniKnog in the streets of Gum. Despite the fact the she OPENLY admitted to being MiniKnog in front...
SORRY PANZER FITS IT BETTER >: D (but in the spirit of good sportsmanship) Panzer = Bloody Mary (minus the alcohol, or course)
((Tried to find Opp in the colonies list but no such luck. :( If the mods think there's a better place for it than whateeeevs!))
Anyone entering the cell block at Opportunity would notice water flooding all over the place, coming from broken pipes of a beaten sink where a...