Separate names with a comma.
ate the best lasagna
Herx-Amman 12/3/2414 KLUEX! I pray for your guidance but where are you leading me?? I slept in a tree outside of Asani last night and let me just...
Yeeeeees! Edit: Or as the white girls and gay guys say, yaaaaaaas!
Herx-Amman 11/29/2414 People on Asani are shit holes. SHIT HOLES!! I walk up to some giga avian chick and say 'Ey, you a flightless?' and then...
((This book has a bit of wear and age about it, though all the writing on it appears fresh. On the cover of this book is a crude sketch of a human...
Nobody voted for soldier. I approve.
Uploaded from [email protected]::// You racketeering mongrels! There will be no enslaved apex in Antares! Panzer v2
>Records< >Panzer v2< >Antares Log (11)< >>a<< . . . >>> "Audio-" She coughed violently for a moment before clearing her throat. "Eaugh... Great...
Artblock is SHIT. I've always felt that taking time off from art and just watching movies/shows or exposing yourself to media you're not familiar...
I'm familiar with this turncoat bitch. She claimed me volatile for shooting her accomplice when raining bullets on Taranis. If she wants to die...
Gwydio, the elder grand wizard and his CRYSTALLINE STAR TRAVELING CONTRAPTION!!! [IMG]
Singing (In my head or LOUDLY bellowing pretty much all day) Animating/Photoshopping Slutting it up Aaaaaaaand video games :) Edit: Painting,...
>Records< >Panzer v2< >Antares Log (10)< >>a/v<< . . . >>> "Audio..." A voice stated meekly. There was a long pause with nothing but a deep engine...
I've got a character with a foundry that's selling metal right now. Maybe she can buy platinum and rubium ore from them. But for the metal sales?...
I already got that shit covered WHEEEEEEW!! *POWERGAME MODE*
I have no issue with highly sexualized characters, be they ANY sort of sexual orientation. Some people are just driven by their hormones and a...
On this note I'd have to I disagree. I saw 60+ people on the server yesterday and similarly high numbers of people in recent days. Things are...
Panzer v2s phallic scrap retrieval ship is a gooooooo!!! [IMG]