Separate names with a comma.
Log 152 Change Log >>>unsynced with all devices<<< >>>synced with device HPJT422<<< >>>local device name "projectordata"<<< >>>syncing options...
im draw thing to compensate this
five i think josh hates me i think petal's in danger around me yung is dead all my fault. "stupid"
four i miss my family "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIS." "We love you!" i miss my friends
obligatory helpful links! newbie guide! rules! factions! colonies!
Log 152 Text Log staying at lum is boring i miss my friends but im also scared so THEY ALSO NEVER ANSWER MY TEXTS????????????????????? worst...
burn the witch
bbcode restrictions? probably just large text. image restrictions? keep everything under 300px tall, and that'd be good, i think. again, we have...
:^) Always remember to take requests as suggestions and not obligations!
cutter's back! :D
Ayyy, welcome! be sure to check these out: the newbie guide!
"A bit".
but converting midis isn't straining at all... you can always check out starbards!
Log 151 Text Log can u imagine being a whole year old like whats suwedi gonna say at the cake store hi im buying this chocolate orange cake for...
((Naoki)) You'd think by now everyone would be more wary.
is that iscribble art i see? :o