Separate names with a comma.
Is there any place he does frequent?
Time Stamp Reading: 16738000215 ((May 28, 20:30:15)) I've hit another snag. I've realised that every possible way of turning on the system would...
Could you pull off a black double breasted jacket?
I'm developing a multi-specialized company in the Gamma sector soon, and I need at least... hmmm... 50 metric tons of your steel to build the...
((Note: I use the Unix Time Stamp as my time measurement instead of the usual Earth time. This is because the entire universe does not/should not...
My character, Dante Ferricks, is a former USCM head war tech designer/engineer. He is highly skilled in building practically anything that kills,...
Hello, potential Durasteel supplier. I have reached a point in my journeys where I may sometimes be forced to supply my own air. Unfortunately, I...
The Destroyer Looks like magic, I'll take one of those with an AF12 UltraC
Well, If I can't invest.... I'd like as much as 6000 pixels can get me.
I'll do what I can. If you wish, we can meet up in Liberty. -Dante Ferricks
I am in Liberty Mills, now. What does Sai look like? any pictures or rough sketches of him?
(This was sent from Dante's Mobile Device) I don't really need iron, and I don't have access to Liberty Mills yet, but I wish to invest in your...
Well, I don't exactly have access to gamma, so... I guess really all I can do is sympathize with you. -Dante
I'd like to help. May you tell me where you last saw him? -Dante Ferricks
Well, I found enough fuel to get off this damned planet, but I have nowhere to go. Any suggestions? -Dante Ferricks
(This message was sent by Dante Ferricks from a custom mobile device built from repair parts for his own ship.) Ok, I'm freaking out right now....
Hi, I'm [Subject Name Here], Born 'n raised in [Subject Hometown Here]. Recently, my character for the server, [Subject Character Name Here], was...
I tried the link for the whitelist, but it said my whitelist period has expired. This is kinda weird, considering you approved it 25 minutes ago...