Separate names with a comma.
Meh, Sol's a non combat character. Probably would've ended up with him either crippled or dead.
i went from a 560 to a 760 and it was the best experience ever. cinema 4d never felt so fast
It was fun, and losing Óðinn does allow me to focus on other character ideas now.
wow that gpu. might wanna get that replaced, jesus christ.
abandon your parents no child deserves norton i wouldn't even wish norton on my worst enemies
do eet turn this into a post your specs thread my 760 is embarrassing with the 900 series floating around
download a program called speccy post results
man if you're gonna boast a new computer at least post a speccy i mean geez. [IMG] oc'd this shit. processor clock speed is as 4.2ghz. gpu oc...
[MEDIA] welcome to die
I'd imagine all. Gonna throw Sol into it.
yeah have fun hitting shit dual wielding
4-5 PM EST it is, then?
Don't do the crime if you're not prepared to do the time.
Your art is good, your character is good, your roleplay is good. Have a follow.
gengar what are you doing in these realms this isn't pokemon
die again!
You decided to return? It appears you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? But really, welcome back.
If you're able to to 4-5 PM EST, that should give me plenty of time as that'll be 9-10 PM BST.