Separate names with a comma.
The more I learn about the Avian lore, I find it harder to like them. That, and it's near-identical to the Hissho from endless space.
Discuss it all you want, Avians are still better. Despite the name... And the angsty backstory...
Do I really have to point out why the Avian are the true rulers of the galaxy? No other race is anywhere near as intelligent OR beautiful! Kaw.
...and I was *this* close to making an Avian holy fleet thread. Oh well, seems like a cool idea, make it happen!
Euuugh! This is what you were talking about? Felith, you should have chosen the flamethrower option. - Skarti
Some kind of device to make lesser individuals actually use their brain. - Skarti
Pfft. I doubt this article will tell me anything I don't already know. - Skarti
I must say, I'm glad this center exists. It will keep all the crazy people in one place, as opposed to letting them infect the galactic community...
Oh god, Skarti looks like a schoolgirl. I laughed so hard. Thanks! :D
Oh please, the galaxy is a big place. I'm sure there's enough antimatter floating around on the black market to destroy a star.. Ooh, wouldn't...
You all seem to be forgetting the peaceful applications of antimatter. I mean, stolen or not, to assume that it's going to be used as a weapon is...
Draw Skarti! Draw Skaarrrtttiiii! Also, that Cormorant is wearing a monocle. o.O
Ermahgerd it's Fenics. Also, that's pretty good for drawing with a mouse. Nice work.
You know, I'd probablywrite something if I wasn't currerntly full of Human medicne... kinof hard t type now. Ishould realy go to bed. -Skarti
Quite an addiction you've got there. I suggest you seek proper medical aid. - Skarti
I see much hissing in this thread's future. - Skarti
If you had told me, I never would have met her. And of course you faked it. It was the only logical option, I was merely concerned that in your...
You fiend! How could you do this!? You should've told me! Do you know what I went through after your feigned suicide? What I did? What I ALMOST...
Do I really have to say anything? As exciting as all this is, I think I am finally ready for sleep. Ta-ta. - Skarti