Separate names with a comma.
I think you're taken the penal colonies quite literally, I don't expect you to actually find one and yell at the NPCs to surrender, but maybe try...
Penal colonies! Pretty big topic that's somewhat overlooked. Xenophobic high command. Speaks for itself, really. Give humans special treatment,...
Another thing that gets me about the uscm, is despite being a lore faction, it completely ignores any and all "negative" elements that could make...
My problems with the USCM have, for a long time, been that unless they can be the hero, they don't want to be involved. Now, I'm fine with you...
I suggest you look up what "Annual" actually means, Floran. - Skarti
As a collector of fine Avian craftsmanship, I welcome you to the sector. ...Can't say I've heard the "Tukhan" name before, however. - Skarti ((...
If it worked for Felith, I'll work for me, right? Reference pictures follow. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Now go do stuff for free so I can complain about...
A Martyr? Martyr of what, Floran foolishness? - Skarti A few of the races are missing.
Really? Just, really? Are you saying a human's sole goal in life to kill the biggest, baddest thing they can? Do humans eschew learning anything...
[IMG] Most accurate depiction thus far, that will be $50, thankyou.
Whoah. That's some quality writing. Good job. Oh wait... 2:46 [media]
Heh, that's pretty much what went on before the ban. We were actually talking about lifting the ban quite recently, expect an announcement soon....
I understand there are a people who have issues with the Holy fleet faction. I encourage you to voice these concerns here so that we may reach a...
[IMG] Deadly, deadly pens.
You know, this "HKC" is sounding more like the Apex every day. - Skarti
Blasphemer! To the Altar with him!
I'm fine with them controlling plants, so long as said plants move at plant speed.
It's a shame earth went the way it did, it had some rather beautiful animals. - Skarti
So we have another group of people with a saviour complex jetting around the sector. the ICR were annoying enough. - Skarti