Separate names with a comma.
The Producers. Either 1968, or 2005. I'm more partial to the 2005 version because musical.
Extremely simplified and probably far too populist for my tastes, but it gets the basic sentiments right, I guess. Funny. [DO-L]
So a couple of my friends have been looking to buy some protection lately and they've started arguing about what the best kind of armor there is...
[03.MAV] The universe is just full of surprises, isn't it? Call me paranoid, but I have a sneaking suspicion that there might be something wrong...
I liked the spinoff one they did. Actually had a story, even though most of the symbolism and metaphors went over the target audience's head....
One thing I'd like to see this faction do is integrate actual elements of socialist thought rather than just regurgitate common stereotypes that...
Interesting idea. Socialism is a whole different animal and I'd like to see where you'll take this. Since you've stated interest for a more...
[02.MAV] Started reviewing the little red books again, starting with Marx. Sure, a lot of his ideas seem silly in retrospect but you've got to...
(( Tucked away in a server cabinet in a cold server room inside a facility on a planet orbiting a bright yellow star, there lies a series of files...
Can't get enough KLK. [MEDIA] Some nostalgia tripping. [MEDIA]
Currently watching Kill la Kill, Stargate Atlantis and Blackadder. Can't stop laughing (and also feeling).
What do you want to be if given the chance, assuming salary and so on aren't an issue?
So I just went ahead and indulged myself with a copy of Pokemon X. Who's up to trade Friend Codes?
[Dewell] So, I recently bought a coffee machine from this corporation, I don't quite recall the name but they're really big on gimmicks like...
[FILENAME:] You know that old film with the girl and the guy and they go have problems and after a cliche-ridden cheese bucket of a...
[Dewell] I'm looking for copies of books that detail philosophical concepts, either digital or physical. Physical preferred. I am mostly...
I find all of the races pretty neat in their own little ways, (Medieval AI, sentient Audrey IIs, Mayincatec birds, Orwell's Planet of the Apes,...
Wicked, Evita, Book of Mormon, Les Mis, Rent, almost every animated feature film made by Disney (especially in the 90's). From Broadway to Dr....
[FILENAME:] <The sound of a chair swivelling around can be heard. Even through sound it seems to emanate a feeling of comfiness.>...