Separate names with a comma.
You need to make a choice. Either it's OK to criticize someone's point of view, misinformed opinion, et cetera in public here in this thread or...
I displayed restraint in replying to this as I did not want to bring it up and clutter the discussion with backburner B.S. You are not "to an...
Kindly spare me the notion that I need to be sufficiently sweet enough for your palate; Sen is using the same posting style that I do in some...
The discussion is on topic. The fact that a player has said that it looks like I think females are the superior sex because I had the audacity to...
evil feminazi illuminati destroy penis
Animator: I am quite honestly baffled as to how you came to the conclusion that I believe communication and reports should be nixed altogether....
That doesn't make any sense. Feminism is about being for women having equality. Unless you're a bigot and sexist and don't want women to have...
In my post addressing it I quoted this. I will quote it again for you. This is Gramps very painfully, obviously, displaying his ignorance towards...
This is an open community discussion that needs to be had. There is no need to take it to private discussion. There is absolutely nothing wrong...
First of all, to those who say we shouldn't be talking about these things here: You can close the thread. You do not have to participate in it....
Hopefully you get an answer. As an afterthought, I would like to explain another aspect of the server that is frustrating. I honestly should not...
You are experiencing a disconnect here. If you smacked someone on the ass in real life, yes, it would be unwelcome and creepy. Barring this being...
There is no need to create a new thread. If I wanted to do that, I would have. This thread was started addressing concerns on the low population...
I'm sorry. I'm not interested in playing on a server where instead of addressing the issue appropriately and maturely, the moderators panic and...
What is actually being addressed is the lack of moderator intervention in terms of characters who are overly fetishized and obviously objectified...
I'm not sure if you noticed it, but Avis asked me politely to list who made my experience rather distasteful. So you don't feel singled out, the...
My criticism as a player to the server and why I made the choice to not return isn't invalid because it includes me pointing out that characters...
My point was well made. I don't need to say anything else about it. I will, however, address questions about my experience.
Your female characters are a walking, talking shrine to your sexual fetishes and you put it on full display to advertise so you can gain these...
I can assure you they weren't joking. I'm not an idiot. I am not socially impaired. They came off as completely serious and I'm still one hundred...