Separate names with a comma.
Alright, that's about er... 11 pounds. Where do ya want me to ship it to? That'll be 990 pixels, by the way. -Mysmarri
Hello fellow peeps! I've got a shop and a bit of a farm running. I'm officially starting delivery services. If you'd like to have a few crates of...
The girls in that video sounded like absolute maniacs so I closed the video before actually seeing it all! And, er, what's a selfie? Also, why are...
I have plans irl today and I still need to set up Xewyck, sorry guys
Will want interweb cookies naow?
Da Joker
Mysmarri is silent for a few seconds. "Oh. Well." More silence. "How'd she become sentient?"
Mysmarri jumps a bit as the voice comes back on. "Hey! How come you were repeating numbers if you didn't want to? And are you alright?"
(Brah ya gotta read the last word and then write the first thing you think after reading that word)
"Oh, hey, are - wait no you're another person. What do number stations do?"
I believe that there is a race from long ago, the one that fiddled with the Avians and the Glitch.
Cockroach (I always think of Harbinger's collector form)
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Hallo -wave wave- Would like interweb cookie? c: